【禁闻】百名律师禁食 声援武汉律师张科科





百名律师禁食 声援张科科


据大陆《维权网》报导,当天上午9点,大陆律师刘卫国已经接替张科科开始接力绝食,13号将参加绝食的是 蔺其磊律师,以后依次是陈建刚、刘金湘、张俊杰……等人。






Hong Kong Protestors Burn Copies of The CCP White Paper
In Protest.

The white paper published by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) State Council on June 10th triggered strong reactions.
It claimed that the CCP has complete control over Hong Kong.
Over a dozen organizations protested at the Liaison Office.

According to a Radio Free Asia report, on June 11, at least a
hundred people from dozens of organizations attended.
They included; LSD, Defense of Hong Kong Freedom, People
Power, Neo Democrats, Citizens Radio, Federation of Students.
Together they marched from the Hong Kong Police Force office
to the Liaison office door to express their feelings.
They chanted “No independent citizen nomination, no CCP
intervention”; “6.22 votes, 7.1 march” and similar slogans.

The protestors burnt copies of the white paper outside
the Liaison Office.
Police to use pepper spray to disperse them.

Hundreds of Lawyers Support Zhang Keke By Fasting.

Lawyer Zhang Keke’s hunger strike over the Wuhan Lawyers
Association suspension is supported by human rights lawyers.
On June 12, hundreds of lawyers began a fasting relay over
100 days in protest the Chinese authorities’ suppression.

According to mainland Human Rights Defenders report,
lawyer Liu Weiguo started a hunger strike on June 12.
Lawyer Lin Qilei will follow him by going on hunger strike;
then Chen Jiangang, Liu Jinxiang, and Zhang Junjie, etc.

Zhang Keke’s annual lawyer registration was suspended by
Wuhan Bar Association because he took a Falun Gong case.
On June 11, Zhang Keke started the hunger strike in front
of the Wuhan Lawyers association building.

Xinjiang’s Bloody Incident When Removing Veils Again.

A bloody incident occurred in the Kashgar region again as
veils are banned for women after the recent suppression.

According to a Radio Free Asia report, on June 4, Chinese
officials removed a woman’s veil on a house visit.
They were attacked by the woman’s brothers.

The officials called the police who shot at the brothers and the
There were 5 deaths including a police officer and 2 injured.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
