【禁闻】新疆书记称翻墙增暴恐 引质疑

【新唐人2014年03月08日讯】新疆书记称翻墙增暴恐 引质疑






为维稳《水浒》须禁播 雷倒一片







郑州强拆城中村 上千村民抵抗





Increasing Violence is From Reading Blocked Websites
Its Questioned.

On March 6, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Xinjiang
party secretary Zhang Chunxian claimed that the violence and
terrorism spreading in Xinjiang is not because of the severe
crackdown but by technology “bypassing the firewall".

He said: “Now 90% Xinjiang violence imitated some of
the videos on the web."

Zhang’s comments immediately triggered a big discussion
online although some related topics were deleted; there are
still many netizens eager to express their ideas.

One said: “It is very suspicious for Zhang Chunxian to say
that bypassing the firewall has resulted in terrorism.

Firstly, why has nobody been incited as there are terrorists
among 50 million people outside of the firewall;
Secondly, a lot of terrorists even don’t know how to browse
the internet, how can they bypass the firewall?”

It was also said: “in the next step the CCP will collect firewall
software in Xinjiang and all over China according to Zhang
Chunxian’s words."

Some people jeered that Zhang Chunxian directly confirmed
the existence of the network blockade.
Some netizens said: “Zhang released a big national secret."

Banning “Water Margin" For Stability Maintenance

A few days after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Two
Sessions, like previous years, the stupid proposals and words
from deputies are being released.

Known as one of “the most stupid proposals" of this year
came from Li Haibin.
He suggested banning the “Water Margin"
for the stability maintenance.

The mainland media reported that Li Haibin said: “The drama
of the Water Margin" should be banned; war films need to be
controlled because these are related to violence.”

Many mainland netizens are shocked by Li Haibin’s words.
They questioned who did Liangshan heroes provoke?
Some jeered the CCP simply prohibits people from reading
with no school, or books.
Politically it is safer to rule the illiterate.”

There is criticism that someone might get it really wrong by
banning the “Water Margin" for stability maintenance.

German Media: The Chinese Communist Party Despair

On March 6, German “Süddeutsche Zeitung" published an
article titled “Desperate Situation" reporting that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is currently facing an impasse.

“Deutsche Welle" reprinted reports saying the serious pollution,
growing house bubble, slower economic growth and legitimacy
of those ruling are the difficult problems for the CCP.

It’s almost impossible to solve these issues.

Thousands of Villagers Resisted Demolitions in Zhengzhou

On March 6, some villagers were injured in the conflict over
government demolition in Zhengzhou.

According to “Chinese Jasmine Revolution" website, villagers
in their thousands besieged demolition team who fled.

The villagers smashed all construction vehicles and blocked
traffic, demanding the government give up the murderer that
injured the villagers.

The authorities didn’t dispatch the police in case they made
the situation worse.

By late evening, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
