【禁闻】李克强首份报告 外界评说纷纭

【新唐人2014年03月06日讯】李克强首份报告 外界评说纷纭




黄琦:增维稳费 将深化官民矛盾


“中国天网人权事务中心”负责人黄琦对《自由亚洲电台》表示,他相信“维稳费”预算开支的增加,与过去一年民间接连发生大规模的群体性事件,以及去年10 月在北京天安门广场的爆炸事件,和刚在云南昆明发生的砍人流血事件有关。


人大开幕日 天安门前现神秘白烟









Li Keqiang’s First Report Gets a Mixed Response

The Second Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress
opened on March 5 in Beijing.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced his first government
works report at the meeting.
Some parts of the report provoked discussions.

Li Keqiang’s high-profile report claimed to fight the pollution
and set up this year’s economic growth target of 7.5%.
It is believed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) didn’t
get rid of the existing economic development model of “only
looking at GDP".

Those outside the Congress doubted any real implementation
of acts against pollution would take place.

The CCP military budget also attracted international attention
by increasing 12.2 percent this year exceeding expectations.
Japan criticized the CCP’s defense policy and military
spending for lack of transparency.

Huang Qi: “Increasing stability maintenance fees will deepen
the contradictions between officials and the public."

Increasing the public safety expenditure by 6.1% in the report
also caused concern among domestic human rights activists
who regard public safety spending as “stability maintenance".

China Skynet Centre for Human Rights chairman Huang Qi
told Radio Free Asia that he believed the increasing stability
maintenance fee is related to continuous large-scale collective
incidents in the past year .
These include October’s Beijing Tiananmen Square bombing
and recent Kunming bloodshed.

Huang Qi criticized the increasing stability maintenance
expenses as further deepening the contradictions, not solving
the root problem.

Mysterious White Smoke in Tiananmen Square

On March 5, the NPC meeting was held in Beijing with
significantly tightened security at Tiananmen Square.
The protesters still distributed leaflets and someone even
tried to commit self-immolation.

According to Hong Kong “South China Morning Post", a
sudden commotion happened near Tiananmen Square at 11am,
followed by a white smoke cloud.

The reporter interviewed five witnesses; one of them said a
40-year-old woman was taken away with burns.

“64 Skynet" volunteer Wang Jing Was also present.
He said police cleaned the scene very quickly in five minutes .
It was only a total of 30 minutes to finish everything including
the initial five munite clean, using water from water wagons.

However, the rumor of self-immolation can’t be confirmed by
independent sources.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Demonstrators Scattered Leaflets at Tiananmen Square
Shortly after the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square,
some protesters crossed the police cordon and showed leaflets
as the NPC Conference delegates were entering.
But they were took away immediately by police and
plainclothes officers.

The police told the passersby who photographed the
incident to delete photos and videos.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
