【禁闻】中共称反腐立法需五年 引质疑
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

China’s Anti-Corruption Legislation: Five More Years Needed

On this year’s Two Sessions, the topic of “anti-corruption”
again became a public focus.
Lang Sheng is deputy chief of legislative affairs under
the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress.
He claimed that anti-corruption is a legislative priority
for the next five years.
Commentators say that the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) is terminally ill.
And that its claims of anti-corruption legislation are merely
a perfunctory attempt to appease the public.

On March 9, during the Two Sessions’ press conference,
Lang Sheng interpreted the next-five-year legislative plan.
He alleged that the future legislation will be focused on
“perfecting anti-corruption legislation and setting up
a system that can really punish and prevent corruption.”

The legislation will also bring public authority under
rule of law, he said.

A netizen posted, “Five years later, all corrupt officials
will have their money laundering done.
Until then, they will have embezzled the state’s wealth.”

Zhang Jian, US-based researcher specializing in China issues,
He says that if in China, everyone is equal before the law,
it only needs five days, or even five hours, to purge corruption.

Zhang Jian: “The application of China’s existing Constitution
and criminal law is capable of truly removing corruption.
But only if they really put their laws into practice,
rather than viewing the law as a trifling matter,
using it as a legal shield for self-defense.
If it’s done properly, the solution to China’s corruption
will be a very simple matter.
And the existing political system will collapse right away.

So that’s why the CCP doesn’t really want to fight corruption,
but just to fool the people.”

In 1988 on the National People’s Congress(NPC), a legislative
proposal was made on declaration of official assets.
In 1994, the NPC Standing Committee formally included
Officials’ Asset Declaration Law in the five-year legislative plan.
Up until today, nothing has yet come of it. Reportedly,
97% of CCP officials have opposed asset declaration.

Since assuming office as new CCP leader, Xi Jinping has
set off an “anti-corruption” wave.
The promotion has been widely echoed non-officially.
citizens have jointly appealed to officials to declare assets.
Throngs of people, by staging performing arts
on the streets, have expressed disapproval of corruption.

Before the Two Sessions, China’s netizens Zhang Kun and
Ruan Yunhua launched a campaign to collect signatures
from people in 12 cities in China.
The petition aims at officials’ assets declaration.

Later, when they arrived at Beijing to submit the petition,
both were taken away by police and are still missing.

Former editor for Hebei state radio, Zhu Xinxin, comments.

The CCP’s anti-corruption drive is used as an infighting tool,
as well as a show to pacify the populace.
He indicates that, over past decades, the corruption has
never been really purged in China, so it’s impossible to
make it in five more years.

Zhu Xinxin: “If it really wants to combat corruption,
it has to perform surgery on the political system.
But it’s impossible that it performs a surgery on itself.
The CCP’s anti-corruption is unable to proceed, I believe.
This is because it is an interest group of its own, and
it’s impossible to behead itself.
So all its anti-corruption promises are tantalizing and
playing the public for fools."

Zhang Jian says that in the past 60 years, all the CCP has
done is exploit the people, to safeguard the interest group and its authoritarian rule.

Zhang Jian: “In order to maintain its rule, the CCP has
used many similar approaches.
Such as by the aid of satellite-positioning technology,
it monitors and intercepts personal chats.
It has set up the largest household register system
in the world.
It is also geared up to launch cyber wars.

But it has never successfully removed corruption,
is that not the biggest joke in the world? ”

When CCP former Premier Zhu Rongji came to power,
he said that he had prepared 100 coffins,
with 99 for corrupt officials and one for himself.

The incumbent CCP leader Xi Jinping also publicly claimed
he would strike against high and low-ranking corrupt officials.

Zhang Jian: “If the public really understands the CCP’s
fundamental nature, they’ll sniff at its anti-corruption claims.
Time and again, CCP officials have fooled the Chinese
people in this way.
I believe that the CCP has been nailed in disgrace
to the column of history for what it has done.”

Zhu Xinxin indicates that the CCP has
always been incurably sick.
The whole state apparatus has been rotten to the core.

No matter who is in power, he says, the CCP regime will
only be stepping towards its demise.
