【禁闻】陆9月制造业PMI微升 专家称未见底
















采访编辑/梁欣 后制/李月

Experts Doubt China’s Purchase Management Index (PMI) for September Slightly Rising.

The China National Bureau of Statistics’ Institute’s Services
Survey Center and Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP) made an announced recently.
In September 2012, China’s manufacturing sector
Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was 49.8%.
This was the first rebound over
the previous month since May 2012.
Although the PMI is close to 50%, some experts
believe that an economic slow-down is still possible.
They cannot understand the reason for the rebound.

On October 1, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
state media Xinhua Net reported that
China’s manufacturing sector PMI was 49.8%,
0.6% higher than the previous month.

However, HSBC Holdings PLC (HSBC) announced that

China’s manufacturing sector PMI was 47.9%, which was
the same as before, and lower than the official CCP number.

The Wall Street Journal analyzed the reason for the CCP
official number being higher than HSBC’s number.
The official number focuses more on
large-scale state-owned enterprises.
These are less affected by the current economic
slowdown. HSBC focuses more on private exporters.

Economic expert, Professor Xie Tian points out that some
foreign banks are doing a China Manufacturing PMI survey.
It is not easy for the CCP to fabricate numbers.
HSBC’s figures are more objective and comprehensive.

Xie Tian: “The CCP’s PMI number, like
its other numbers, are not true to a certain extent.
Error in the statistics and the intention to create an appearance
of economic recovery might have all led to this figure.
It is not surprising. We cannot trust the CCP’s number."

In addition, Standard & Poor’s APAC Sovereign
Ratings leader, Kimeng Tan commented to the media.
China’s economy will have the most serious slowdown in Q4.

He also predicts that China’s economy won’t have a strong
rebound, but it’s domestic demand will improve after the Q4.
Chief economist of HSBC China Qu Hongbin:
“China’s manufacturing growth may be bottoming out.”
Meanwhile, new export orders declined at a faster pace,
and there are still pressures in the job market.

Renowned Chinese economist Mao Yushi thinks differently.

He points out that there are two problems in China’s
manufacturing sector; inventories increase and order declines.

Mao Yushi: “None of these two are good news.
I do not think the slow-down has bottomed.”

In fact, China’s economy began to drop since Q2 in 2011.

Mao Yushi pointed out that the fundamental reason
for the decline in China’s economy is still not removed.
The main reason is that a large number of the 2008
investment projects are now completed.
However, they do not make money, thus
resulting in a relatively tight financial situation.

Mao Yushi: “In addition, the problems in the European Union
are not resolved yet, so our exports have been on the decline.
There is no significant change in the domestic financial sector.

Monopoly industries still have high profits,
and private enterprises operate with difficulties.
These circumstances have not improved.

It is not possible for the Chinese economy to rebound.
Personally, I do not see the reason to pick up”

Xie Tian also thinks China’s economic
recession will continue for some time.
He said that China’s manufacturing industry will not improve.

It depends on whether China’s economic structure
and institutional drawbacks will be resolved.

Xie Tian: “We know the CCP depends on export.
The economy in Europe or U.S. has not greatly improved.
China’s domestic demand has not been resolved,
and inflation remains a serious problem.
These, coupled with unstable social and political factors,
make it unlikely that the economy will recover soon in China.”

A manufacturing PMI higher than 50% indicates an
economic increase; lower than 50% means slow-down.
Even from the CCP’s figure,
China’s economy is still declining.

On the other hand, China’s major trading
partners still have a weak demand.
September’s new PMI export order index
dropped to 44.9%, the lowest in 42 months.
