







纽约“曼哈顿维尔学院”教授 杨锦霞:“这个世界上,现在网路已经是一个不可取代的一个很重要的媒体,以前是电视、收音机、广播,现在是网路。所以就算中共里面的统治者他们觉得,还是要控制他们,但世界潮流是推着它来走,尽管它是要这样做,但是世界潮流绝对不允许它这样做。”






采访/常春 编辑/周平 后制/柏妮

Wen Jiabao Criticizes Noise Argument

On June 15, the CCP premier Wen Jiabao attended a
symposium with counselors of the State Council and
researchers of the Central Research Institute of Culture and
He gave a speech on the symposium and emphasized that
leaders should not ignore the objections and simply treat them as noises.
He called for that “leader should listen to and be inclusive of
different views, and do not simply treat different views as noises.”
Analysts believe that what Wen said can be seen as a critique
on the “noise argument” by People’s Daily.

Mainland media reported,
Wen Jiabao emphasized on the symposium that
leaders should tell the truth and listen to the
truth, and they should learn from different views.
Wen said that leaders should listen to and be inclusive of
different views, and not simply treat different views as noises.
Wen mentioned that leaders should learn from different views,
especially critical comments.

Before Wen’s speech, on March 31, People’s Daily published
an article named “Do not be disturbed by the noise”.
In the following days, People’s Daily hyped about the noise
argument and called for suppressing the noise to achieve “unity of thinking”.

Analysts believe, Wen’s speech can be seen as
a critique of the noise argument led by People’s Daily.

Commenter Ren Baiming: “There are only ‘red or black’ and
‘enemy or friend’ in the current situation in China.
For example, if you discuss the corruption issues,
it means you lose hope for the whole country,
or if you criticize the government,
it means you bring shame on China.
So Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao face a complicated situation,
they want to reach a consensus with no radical comments –
so that people can express different views and
stop attacking each other.”

However, the CCP mouthpiece “Xinhua News Agency”
avoided Wen’s words when reporting the news.
Analysts believe that Wen’s words were deleted by
high level review officers as” noises”.
This “decrees only stay in Zhongnanhai” phenomenon
is full of black humor.

Wen Jiabao also mentioned, the new media based on the
internet should play an active role in understanding people’s needs and bringing their wisdom together.

Yang Jinxia, a professor at Manhattanville College said: “In
this world, Internet has become a irreplaceable media,
just like the TV, radio and broadcast in the old days.
Even if the CCP leaders want to control the Internet,
the world trends will not permit them to do so.
In fact, world trends will push the Internet forward.”

Wen Jiabao said: if democracy and the rule of law are not
perfect, the power can not be effectively constrained, and
someone may use their power to abuse
and even trample on the law.

Commenter Ren Baiming: “Wen Jiabao and his constant
political reform speech were attacked heavily by the bloody hands group.
There are many critiques on Wen Jiabao. So the arguments on
balance can give Wen some space for his political reform speech,
and these arguments can also ease a situation
which has a strong smell of gunpowder.”
Some overseas commenter said, Wen Jiabao promoted the
spirit of academic freedom and independent thinking to seek a breakthrough for his political reform.
However, the first step for independent thinking
should be getting rid of the rigid and distorted CCP thinking.
People should see through the CCP lies.

Yang Jinxia: “Wen Jiabao’s speech is understandable,
and the world is constantly changing.
As for the credibility of his words,
I do not think that he just talked about it.
There should be a step for pushing political reform.

I really hope what he said is also what he thinks in mind
and that China will move toward democracy.”

Several media analyzed, if China will move forward
on the political reform road,
press restriction must stop in order to check on
the government effectively.
However, it is just fantasy to do so
within the CCP one-party dictatorship system.
Therefore, China will move forward on the road to real
democracy only by abandoning the CCP.
