【禁闻】分析:刘志军移交法办 擒周催化剂














采访编辑/常春 后制/郭敬

Liu Zhijun’s Downfall—Catalyst to Ridding Zhou Yongkang

The Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s ex-Railway Minister
Liu Zhijun was formally expelled from the Party and transferred to judicial organs on May 28.
Analysts say the Railway Ministry has always been
controlled by Jiang’s clique.
Hu and Wen’s repeated axing of Liu Zhijun and the head of
high-speed rail projects, Zhang Shuguang, can be deemed
the catalyst frustrating the forces headed by Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang, ahead of the CCP’s 18th Congress.

On May 28, China’s media reported that Liu Zhijun,
the CCP’s ex-Railway Minister, was ousted from the Party
for his severe disciplinary violation and has been transferred
to judicial organs on suspicion of crime.

Liu had promoted major expansions in railway construction
since being appointed as Railway Minister in 2003.
Within 5 years China had built the world’s largest high-speed
rail system—it was China’s “Railway Great Leap Forward".
China’s railway sector owns its own independent courts,
policemen, and enterprises—an “independent kingdom".

However, corruption within the independent railway system
became exposed, after the Wenzhou Train Crash incident.

Critic Hong Jian says the CCP officials are all corruptible and

the regime uses the “fight against corruption” as a means
to “purge internal dissidents and control resources”.

Hong Jian: “The Railway Ministry, which is controlled by
the blood-debt clan, shocked the world for its corruption.
The Wenzhou Train Crash incident offered a great chance
to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
As they had to give accountability to the public, they began
by tracking down those involved, from Liu Zhijun to the core culprit—to pin down or remove the blood-debt clan."

Hong Jian says it shows that Hu and Wen have kept moving
steadily along the schedule of “purging the blood-debt clan”.

Last February, Liu Zhijun was removed from the post of
Railway Minister.
The CCP Central Committee for Discipline Inspection began
an investigation into Liu’s serious disciplinary violation.

Ke Hanmin, Supreme Procuratorate deputy chief procurator,
revealed in March that “the Liu Zhijun case had not been handed over to the Procuratorate yet”.
Liu’s latest news indicates that the CCP’s infighting may
have been embroiled, says commentator, Xia Xiaoqiang.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “On the one hand, Hu and Wen filed the
investigation on Liu Zhijun,
aiming to target Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang,
who was then in charge of Railway Safety.
Hu and Wen also wanted to track down other minions of
Jiang’s clique,
so as to block them from becoming Politburo
Standing Committee members at the 18th Congress.
In this way, it’ll be better for Hu and Wen to control
the assignment of personnel for the 18th Congress.”

Liu Zhijun is said to have been handpicked by Jiang Zemin,
the former CCP’s General Secretary.
During Jiang’s tenure, Liu reportedly accompanied Jiang
in traveling for inspection tours.

Xia Xiaoqiang adds that all along, the Railway Ministry has
been controlled by Jiang’s clique.
The CCP’s recent high-level declaration of Liu’s criminal
punishment stands as the catalyst in fighting the factions
headed by Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang, ahead of
the 18th Congress, Xia remarks.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “All signs indicate that Hu and Wen’s ridding
of Zhou Yongkang is now hitting a touch-and-go situation.
This way of dealing with Liu Zhijun and fighting the faction
of Jiang and Zhou is likely to trigger an overt take-down of Zhou Yongkang."

Taiwan’s China Times comments, the biggest thwarting that

Hu and Wen have met in their 9-year tenures is
heavy resistances on the establishment reform.
The strong resistance from the Railway Ministry, which had
developed into an anti-reform force, is just a lingering sore for Hu and Wen, said the news report.

The China Times says the CCP’s severe punishment of
Liu Zhijun, and Hu and Wen’s bold move in ridding of him
is the CCP’s ‘anti-corruption’ action against Liu’s privileges
of heading the high-speed rail construction; of having political
alliances with regional chiefs; and of contending for
the position of Vice Premier at the 18th Congress.
