【禁闻】传温再提政改 专家:必先除周永康







美国“乔治梅森大学”客座教授章天亮则指出,民众对温家宝本人抱有善意的期待,希望他能够把自由、 公正、法制、人权这些概念深入中国,让中国形成一个良性的政治环境。


章天亮:“中国社会的转型,等于是被政法委挡着,整个社会公益都被破坏了。现在提一些什么政改,提一些远期的目标都没有意义, 唯一有意义的是把周永康抓起来。政法委是以维稳的思路镇压老百姓,制造社会矛盾,它是整个中国社会动乱的根源。”






采访/常春 编辑/李明飞 后制/孙宁


Wen was said to mention political reform once again; experts believe Zhou Yongkang must be eliminated first

Following the fall of Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang is facing eradication, and there seems to be numerous political reform rumors in China. Recently an article written by Zhou Yahui on an overseas Chinese website revealed that Wen Jiabao had proposed a specific political reform package to the Political Bureau, which was rejected. Analysts believe that this is none other than news intentionally
stirred up by the bloody debts group to divert attention. Therefore, it is meaningless to talk about political reform prior to Zhou Yongkang being removed from his post.

Zhou Yahui wrote in a Boxun article that an insider close to a Politburo member told one of his friends that Wen Jiabao presented a concrete political reform package to the Political Bureau.

The ultimate goal of this gradual political reform package is to end the one-party Chinese Communist dictatorship, to establish the campaign and competition system of political parties, to abolish the intervention of Political and Law Commission in the judicial system, to establish an independent judicial system, and to have transparency in the judicial and political system.

However, sources said that the political reform package was rejected by the Political Bureau, for most Political Bureau members are in need of maintaining
one-party dictatorship for their own privileged interests.

The article also indicated, in conclusion, that Wen Jiabao was very disappointed at this session’s Political Bureau, but he has high hopes for the next Politburo because he believes that there will be more and more young,
fresh Politburo members agreeing with his political reform idea.

Independent commentator Hung Jian:"Now is the key moment of political infighting. Revealing this news, I believe, is in fact the behavior
of the bloody debts group to divert the public’s attention. With the intense infighting, talking about political reform is nothing more than finding a way out for themselves with hopes of maintaining their power and to resolve the issues with an approach of compromise."

George Mason University Visiting Professor Zhang Tianliang indicates that people have well-intentioned expectations of Wen Jiabao. They hope he will be able to bring these concepts of freedom, justice, rule of law, and human rights to China to ensure the formation of a good political environment.

However, Zhang Tianliang says that it’s a little too early for Wen Jiabao to talk about political reform. Those people such as Zhou Yongkang, Li Changchun,
Wu Bangguo, and Jia Qinglin will oppose this political reform because it will cause the disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party. Hu and Wen must take down Zhou Yongkang, representative of the bloody debts group, to pave the way for political reform.

Zhang Tianliang: “China’s social transformation has been blocked by the Political and Law Commission. Public welfare has been completely destroyed. It is meaningless to talk about political reform or long-term goals. The only meaningful thing to do is to arrest Zhou Yongkang.

The Politics and Law Committee has been suppressing people and creating social conflicts in the name of holding stability. They are the fundamental source of the social unrest in China.”

Recently during Wen Jiabao’s trip to Poland, he visited the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camps and delivered a speech in which he said that people should
learn from history, oppose war, terrorism, genocide and all evil, plus maintain freedom, dignity, safety and well-being of human beings.

A netizen in mainland wrote in ridicule, “Chen Guangcheng (blind lawyer severely persecuted by the government) and Chongqing former deputy mayor Wang Lijun’s behavior are tantamount to declaring that this country has turned into a concentration camp run by Communists!"

Hung Jian believes that Wen Jiabao’s talk reflects his position from a humanity perspective, and on behalf of the Chinese nation, his intention was to warn the bloody debts group of the CCP.

Hung Jian: “In fact, I think the meaning behind his visit to the (concentration) camp is rather deep. It tells the blood debts group that the crimes they have committed towards the people, including the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and the live organ harvesting, in fact, are so evil that it’s never been heard of on this planet.

These crimes are far worse than the crimes committed by the Nazis, and a thorough eradication of the bloody debts group must be conducted."

Hung Jian also says that if Wen Jiabao really wants to achieve his goal of “preserving freedom, dignity, safety and well-being of humans," Zhou Yongkang must be taken down first and ending the CCP’s one-party dictatorship must be carried out.
