【禁闻】传报导重庆私运军火 通讯员失踪

【新唐人2012年4月7日讯】公开审理赖昌星案 被指有名无实


禁止议论十八大 中共关闭十多家政治网站



六四学运领袖致信中共 要求回国



传报导重庆私运军火 通讯员失踪


A Public Hearing of Lai Changxing Case Criticized
for being a Nominal Public Hearing

On April 6th, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
voice media, Xinhua, made a high-profile report that
the CCP authorities had held a public hearing of
Lai Changxing case.
In fact, only reporters of four media from Beijing and
a small number of people were allowed to attend.
The general public and media reporters were not admitted.
The public is highly concerned about what is hidden behind the case.
Beijing-based lawyer Ma Gangquan said to “Radio Free Asia"
that the trial violated some of the CCP’s own
relevant provisions on “public hearings".
He said that: Since the official media reported it as
a public hearing,
ordinary reporters should not be prohibited
from interviewing or reporting.
Some netizens have pointed out that: “with a public trial,
the secrets of all CCP high officials will be exposed.
Thus, it is only nominally a public trial, in fact, it’s secret trial."

Forbidden from discussing 18th congress,
over a dozen political websites closed by CCP

More than a dozen political websites has been closed down
for rectification , including the leftist mainstays
known as the “Utopia" and “Mao Zedong’s Banner”, etc.

“Utopia" published an announcement on April 6th that
three departments of the CCP State Council Information Office,
Beijing Internet Management Center and Public Security jointly
issued a notice that the website was required to close.
The reason is that the website published articles
criticizing the CCP, the leader of CCP and the 18th session.
In the same day, seen as an opposite of “Utopia", the right-wing
website “China Elections and Governance" was also not accessible.
It is reported that the close of these websites may
last for one month.

Analysts believe that the rectifications by CCP authorities
of the leftist and rightist websites are carried out
in the context of the approach of the 18th congress and
the Bo Xilai Incident.
The websites closed are also those that acted prominently
immediately after the Bo Xilai Incident.
The CCP may try to limit open discussion in political fields
before the 18th congress starts through taking these measures.

The leaders of the 1989 democracy movement sent a letter to the CCP,
requiring permission for a return to China for ex pat dissidents.

On April 5th, the leaders in exile of 1989 democracy
movement, Wang Dan, Hu Ping, Wang Juntao, Wu’er Kaixi,
Wu Renhua and Xiang Xiaoji issued an open letter,
hoping that the Beijing authorities allow overseas Chinese leaders
of the student movement and pro-democracy activists
to return to China.
The letter states that “For them to return to their own country,
is an inalienable right.”
As the country’s rulers, the CCP should not deprive anyone
of their basic human rights
including pro-democracy activists, just because of their
different political opinions."

Prior to this, the British “Financial Times" had reported that
the CCP Premier Wen Jiabao had proposed the
vindication of those involved in the June 4th incident
in 3 secret meetings of CCP high level officials.
Overseas Chinese media reports that Premier Wen had also
proposed recently that overseas Chinese in exile after the
Tiananmen incident, students and democracy activists should
be allowed to return to the home country for a visit.
However, the message could not be confirmed.

It’s said the the correspondent is missing after
reporting on an incident of arms smuggling in Chongqing

On the night of April 5, a netizen signed as “Female reporter
of finance” said in a Sina microblogging:
“According to a quick message received
from front line reporters,
the executive of Enshi Evening News was invited to assist
in the investigation, but contact with the correspondent has been lost."
During the day, the Enshi Evening News had reported the
news of the “Chongqing truck containing thousands of shells bounds for Jilin”.
A few hours later, the message was deleted.
At 21:15 in the night, the “Enshi News" released a message
saying that the “Chongqing truck containing shells bound
for Jilin belonged to normal military transport.
The vehicle was allowed to go the next morning."
Some people question this report: “Since it was
a normal military transport,
what the Evening News reported is also normal!
Why did they arrest the person?
The official lies told in this report are extensive; in fact,
the person was arrested for speaking the truth.
The charge is “leaking state secrets”, isn’t it?
