【禁闻】搬周挡箭失灵 薄王被免职 周黄不妙





3月9号,重庆团团会上,薄熙来声称王立军事件是属于他“用人失察”。同时他还为重庆的打黑辩称:“打黑都是上面同意的,绝不是公安一家,是公(安)、检(察)、法(院)、司(法)、(国家)安全,再加上纪委,是多家共同努力的结果,是由政法委协调的,并不是王立军一个人的事情。 ”

时事评论员横河:“ 就是说薄熙来利用人大这个机会,去抨击早在中央对王立军可能对重庆进行的处理。而在重庆代表团的会议上,实际上把利用他这个政法委员周永康,这个政法委的力量来表示重庆没有做错。实际上是为重庆辩解,而且是一种反攻。”








Failing to Ask for Help from Zhou, Bo and Wang are Removed from their Positions. Zhou and Huang could be in Trouble.

After the news that Bo Xilai had been removed from office
came out, it has once again had a big impact in world news.
At the last conference of the National People’s Congress (NPC),
Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech has been interpreted by the
outside world as a signal of Bo Xilai’s removal from position.
Some observed that, during the two sessions, Bo tried to use
Zhou Yongkang as a shield, but was not successful.
The infighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
that has been triggered by the “Wang Lijun case" has now kicked off.
With Bo’s removal from position, the fate of Chongqing factions
and of Zhou Yongkang have now become the next certain focus of outside attention.

Only one night after the two sessions ended, in the early
morning of March 15th, CCP’s media Xinhua net published the news.
It reported, Bo had been removed from his position as Party
Secretary of Chongqing City, and
member of the Standing Committee and membership of
the committee, and that Wang Lijun has been removed from
his position as Vice Mayor of Chongqing city.
Bo’s position will be succeeded by Zhang Dejiang, CCP Central
Committee, Vice Premier, director of State Council Work Safety Committee.

Hong Kong Trends magazine editor Zhang Weiguo has said
that the Wang’s case is not over, but has entered a new stage.

Zhang Weiguo, “In the first round, Bo has been defeated.

Seen from the situation of press releases, it should have
Already been decided on the eve of the two sessions.
Released after the two sessions, the purpose was to avoid a
social shock impact.
Effort has been made to make the sessions proceed in
a relatively smooth manner, as the CCP top leaders expect. “

On March 9th, at the meeting of the Chongqing group,
Bo claimed that the Wang Lijun event happened due to his oversight in using an unwise choice of personnel.
He also argued for Chongqing’s fighting “black” (gangland):
“Fighting black is all agreed by the above, it’s absolutely not only the public security involved.
But the cooperation of public security, procuratorate, law court,
administration of justice, national security, and with the Commission for Discipline Inspection.
It’s the result of the joint efforts of several departments.

It’s coordinated by the Politics and Law Committee,
and is not only Wang Lijun’s personal initiative , " Bo claimed.

Commentator Heng He, “That is to say that Bo took advantage
of the opportunity of the National People’s Congress,
to attack early on before the CCP central authority would have
dealt with Wang Lijun’s episode and Chongqing.
In the meeting of the Chongqing delegation, in fact,
he made use of Zhou Yongkang, a committee member of the Politics and Law Committee.
He used of the power of the Politics and Law Committee
to show that Chongqing had done nothing wrong.
In fact, it’s an excuse for his behaviour in Chongqing,
and is a kind of counter-offensive. “

Heng He believes that Bo invited Zhou hoping to use him
as a shield, but the CCP cannot possibly give Bo a chance.

Heng He, “Zhou, after all, has only one vote, there is
no advantage for him in supporting Bo.
However, if this thing is announced after the end of the NPC,
in fact, it has provided a chance for Bo to counter-attack.
However, on the other side, there is the CCP central authority,
namely, the Hu-Wen camp, together with Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang.
No matter what happens ,they have left the NPC to Bo, and
not to themselves.
So he must now spell it out before the end of the NPC,
in what will be the last opportunity for him to speak. “

On March 14th, CCP Premier Wen Jiabao held his 10th
press conference during his term of office,
which was also the last press conference after the
closing of the NPC.
To answer the last question in the press conference,
Wen Jiabao threw a heavy bombshell, in response to interest in the Wang Lijun event.

Wen said that, after the Wang Lijun event took place the CCP
Central Committee had paid high attention to the matter.
Immediately instructing relevant departments to carry out a
special investigation.
At present, the investigation is in progress, and will be based
on facts and law, proceeding in strict accordance with the law.
The current Chongqing Municipal Committee and Municipal
Government must reflect on all this, and seriously learn from the Wang Lijun event.

Heng He, “The (CCP) must make use of the last podium of
the NPC, since Bo took advantage of it for his own ends.
He used the podium of the National People’s Congress
as a place to make his excuse publicly.
But this place can not be occupied by only him. “

In addition, Bo’s newspaper office, including the construction
of media, as well as the movement “singing the red and fighting the black”.
It is also tied together with Huang Qifan.
So Huang will soon be in trouble.
