【禁闻】十年冤案 妙龄女子裸体讨说法




李任科: “首先针对的是法院,也就是针对中国的法律。从她采取这个方式来看,她已经被逼的是什么都可以不要了。说实话,一个人的尊严可以不要了的情况下,她是因为被这个政府、被这个法律长期的打击和压迫,或者剥夺她的一些等等权利。这个社会把人变成已经不是人了。”


王斌茹: “现在中国的法律,在基层纯粹是司法部门的,他不是为我们这些弱势群体说话的。贵阳女子裸体披着冤衣,说白了,她是引起社会的关注。纯粹是这些司法部门、纯粹是我们对这个社会的绝望。”


李任科: “现在的经济形势这么糟糕,所有的人为了贪、为了搜刮民脂民膏,都是在和老百姓抢利益。在抢利益,他不可能认错,也不可能返还给你的,不管是政治上的、经济上的等等这些。”






王斌茹: “是要靠很多人很多人才能站起来的,不是一个人能改变的,也不是杨佳、也不是钱明奇一个人能改变的。比如说像黄琦老师,他付了他所有的代价,政府依然在打压他。”



A Nude Woman’s Plea

On November 14, a young woman stood in front of
the high court of Guizhou Province seeking resolution for 10 years of injustice.
Mainland human rights activist pointed out, there are tens of
millions of petitioners seeking justice in China, all caused by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Especially now, the CCP knows not many days are left,
so officials are madly trying to gather money.
Only if all citizens wake up and stand up can there be hope.

This young woman stood naked in front of the
Guizhou Province High Court.
She carried nothing but a white cloth
with “10 years of injustice” written on it.
Due to the cold, her lips were slightly green, her face purple
and her body was turning red, but she continued to tell the crowd of her grievance.

Guizhou independent candidate and human rights activist,
Li Renke, pointed out, pleads for justice are common in front of the Guizhou high court.
The extreme injustice of the local government
and court cause them to protest.
Li believes the young woman
must had some very unusual grievance.

Li Renke: “First regarding the court, Chinese law. From the
method she chose, she must have been forced to the point that she can give up everything.
When someone abandons their dignity, they must have
suffered long persecution by the CCP, stripping away all of her rights. ”

Regarding this, a petitioner from Chendu, Wang Binru,
expressed that there are too many cases in China, and they are too common.
The normal legal procedure can’t be used.
Law is a tool of those in power, the general public is helpless.

Wang Binru: “Under China’s current law, local law
enforcement agencies don’t speak for disadvantaged citizens.
The naked Guizhou lady is trying to attract public attention.
These law enforcement agencies, they are the despair of our society.”

Li Renke pointed out that its not possible to use these
methods to beg the government to resolve issues.
You can only see the truth at high levels.

Li Renke: “Right now the economy is very bad, everyone is
trying to grab the money and interest of common people.
In robbing interests, he doesn’t admit he is wrong,
and won’t give back to you, no matter what it is.”

Some scholars also believe CCP officials know the end is
coming, so they try to gather as much money as they can.

Former Professor at Beijing University,
Su Ming, said that scholars calculated several years ago that
China had 30-40 million petitioning for injustice,
due to corrupt officials.
The CCP officials see the end coming,
so they all try to grab the last barrel of gold, and escape.

However, among those with grievances, some keep trying to
petition, so they go to extreme means like rebellion, self immolation, or suicide.

What should these people do?

Petitioner Wang Binru believes that the CCP is very bad,
only if everyone wakes up, protects their rights and stands together can there be hope.

Wang Binru: “There must be lots of people standing up,
not just a few. It can’t be changed by only a Yang Jia or a Qian Mingkai.
Like what Mr. Yang Qi said, he gave his all,
but the CCP still persecutes him.”

A netizen, “Citizen Chenxiao,” wrote on Tencent micro-blog,
“If injustice written with ink is not answered, then one day it will be protested with blood.
Why can’t you officials lower your heads
and listen to peoples’ tears and sorrow?”

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Song Feng and Xiao Yu
