【禁闻】许志永PK方滨兴 输掉中国民主




署名为梅子2061的网友在微博评论表示:许志永不是正式候选人,要选他是在空栏目里写下他的名字,在被屡次以前途威胁下,选他是需要勇气的! 3千多票是完胜!

早在选举前一个月,许志永就遭受来自北邮校方的重重压力。 10月14号,北邮召集紧急会议,对各学院明确通知,不得提名和为许志永投票;在北邮的官方论坛上,“许志永”三个字成了禁忌。网友lijia说:这与学校出现豆腐渣工程和有学生跳楼时的论坛状况,颇有异曲同工之妙。一个学校对自己的教师如此畏惧,真的可笑到了极致。





许志永在接受《德国之声》的采访中表示: “今年的选举压力更大,被操纵的地方更多,也更加不公正和不自由。”

《法兰克福评论报》评论说,如果有一天中国人真的使用自己的选举权会怎样呢?比如用潮水般的无效选票抗议党,或者自己作为独立候选人参选,因为这也是宪法第34条允许的。普通公民到底是否有机会获准参加选举呢? “


Xu Zhiyong, a Chinese human rights lawyer
and an independent candidate of
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT),
from the district of People’s Congress, faced heavy opposition during a recent district election.
BUPT’s principal candidate, Fang Binxing, known as the
“Father of China’s Firewall” has been elected as the district representative.
Netizens questioned the election results, saying that Xu didn’t lose,
but what was lost was the opportunity for Chinese democracy.

The first election results that were announced
were from counties and townes of Beijing region.
BUPT made an official announcement declaring Fang Binxing
the winner of the election by 16,000 votes.
Xu Zhiyong, who was not included in the formal candidate list,
received only 3,500 votes.

Netizens are saying that the fact that Fang Binxing was elected,
simply shows that the election process is just a show and
is manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Some netizens said that although Xu lost the election to Fang,
he didn’t really lose.
Instead, what lost was the chance for democracy in China.

A microblog received 2,061 comments with
one netizen saying, “Xu isn’t a formal candidate;
if you want to vote for him, you need to fill his name
in the blank column on the vote card.
However, if you fill in his name, you’re risking your future
You need to have the courage!
In reality, more than three thousands votes is itself victory!”

One month before the election, Xu was pressured by BUPT.

BUPT called an emergency meeting, informing everyone that
no one should nominate Xu or vote for Xu.
On BUPT’s official website, Xu Zhiyong was censored.

A netizen, Lijia, used the phrase “tofu-dreg project,”
a phrase used in China to describe a poorly constructed building, to describe the organization’s behaviour.
It is ridicules for a school fear of a teacher like this.

Xu held an election campaign at BUPT’s headquarters,
which some students attended, however, university officials didn’t allow the media to cover the event.
Although university officials threatened any student
who helped Xu campaign, one student held a homemade poster in support of Xu.
As a result, she was taken away twice and was asked which
university she came from.

Meanwhile, BUPT TV gave high coverage on Fang’s campaign,
and said he was strongly recommended by the university.

Xu talked about the CCP-style election, saying:
“Students who assisted certain candidates
had their future careers threatened; forcing one candidate
to withdraw from the nomination.
The CCP’s recommended candidate was promoted on TV
while anyone holding posters was led away.
The CCP not only spread rumours and slandered their opposition
they also didn’t permit any reporters to cover the events.
The ballot station is just for show.
The election results were not publicized.

Another source revealed that under the CCP authorities’
pressure, 30 independent candidates hadn’t been elected,
while others were excluded from being listed on
the candidate list.
Their rights as candidates have been denied.

The CCP’s recommended candidate was promoted on TV,
but an independent candidate’s poster was taken away,
If people assist an independent candidate’s campaign,
their future is at risk.
Many candidates’ micro blogs were deleted
before the election.

Xu told Deutsche Welle: “There was more pressure
during this year’s election than previous elections,
due to the CCP’s manipulation and increased injustice,
as well as the growing lack of the freedom.”

Frankfurter Rundschau, a German daily newspaper,
commented on the elections by asking,
“What would happen if Chinese people were truly able
to vote in a democratic way?
Such as submit tons of the invalid votes to protest the CCP,
or preventing independent candidates from joining the election.
This is a citizen’s rights, according to article 34 of
the Chinese constitution.
But, do citizens have such rights in China?”

NTD reporters Xu Min and Bo Ni
