

Chinese Regime Cancels Confucius Peace Prize

By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. Back [bæk] v. 支持
2. Removal [rɪˋmuvl] n. 调动
3. Reiterate [riˋɪtə͵ret] v. 重申
4. Alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] n. 替代选择
5. Incite [ɪnˋsaɪt] v. 煽动
6. Subversion [səbˋvɝʃən] n. 颠覆
7. Up for ph. 被考虑; 打算

The Chinese regime’s Ministry of Culture has cast in doubt the future of the Confucius Peace Prize. Executive Chairman of the prize Liu Haofeng’s has often stated that the Ministry has always backed the prize. The Ministry however, said the Confucius Peace Prize, now in its second year, never received state approval.

In an interview with the Associated Foreign Press, Liu made it clear the award would still continue and that (quote), “It is just the removal of the previous organizer.”
在一则联合外国新闻社 (AFP) 的采访中,刘清楚表明该奖项会继续,并且说(引述)“只是先前主办者的改动而已”。

The Ministry of Culture then reiterated that the prize was, indeed, canceled.

The Confucius Peace Prize was established last year as alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize, which had been awarded to well known Chinese democracy activist Liu Xiaobo. He’s still serving his 11-year jail sentence for so-called “inciting subversion of state power.”
孔子和平奖于去年成立,作为诺贝尔和平奖的替代选择。诺贝尔和平奖去年颁发给中国民运人士刘晓波,他现在仍在服所谓的 “煽动颠覆国家政权” 的11年牢刑。

The recipient of last year’s prize was Taiwanese vice president Lien Chan—who had never heard of the award, and so failed to show up for the ceremony.

Up for the running of this year’s prize were Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Gyaincain Norbu selected by the Chinese regime to act as the ‘Panchen Lama,’ and South African president Jacob Zuma, among others.


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw


The recipient of last year’s prize was Taiwanese vice president Lien Chan—who had never heard of the award, and so failed to show up for the ceremony.


The Chinese regime’s Ministry of Culture has cast in doubt the future of the Confucius Peace Prize.
