【禁闻】宁为妓不为师 中国道德取向颠倒








美国乔治梅森大学教授章天亮博士则指出,过去的老师是传道授业解惑的, 除了教给学生一些技能外,更重要的是教学生作人,但现在中国的老师只是把一些科学技术传给下一代,这也是导致道德急速下滑的原因,也就不能赢得学生对老师人格的尊重。




Values’ Reversal: ‘I rather be a prostitute than a teacher’

In China’s traditional culture, intellectuals have been bearers
of social morality. However, this trend seems to be reversing.
With the 27th Teacher’s Day coming, a Hangzhou teacher
wrote the words, ‘I’d rather be a prostitute than a teacher.’
Current status of China’s education, value orientation,
teachers’ conditions and quality make the Chinese worried.

A female teacher in Hangzhou, who claimed to have double
degrees from an elite university, said in her microblog,
“I’d rather be a prostitute than a teacher. I know
many people will throw dirty water reading my words,
I do not know how students will react, forgive me, children.
‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’,
this say is only for fairy tales.
Life teaches us to measure ourselves not with our forefathers,
but with those who are ready to risk everything.”

The female teacher describes her life: “I receive just
about RMB2,000 a month as a substitute lecturer.
I live in a rented room which can only accommodate a bed
and a table. I have to be very careful with my expenses.
In order to save RMB1 a day on electricity, I am unwilling
to switch on the fan even though I am sweating heavily.”
Ms. Wang is a retired teacher in Beijing,
whose husband is a professor at Peking University.
As a young researcher he encountered difficulties,
when the results of his research were stolen by others.
But Ms. Wang admires her husband’s words:
“Choosing to be a teacher is choosing to be poor.”
However, in today’s cash-driven society many teachers
struggle to comply with their professional code of conduct.
Ms.Wang: “It seems in the pursuit of money many teachers
just want to accumulate money by tutoring.
This reflects on students and parents,
students do not hear in class things with substance.
In the past, teachers were regarded as engineers
of human souls, shaping the souls of the next generation,
but now it seems to be far away from that."

Although money are needed in the society, if its values ​are
measured by money, what can be such a society’s future?
Hu Ping, Beijing Spring magazine’s editor-in-chief thinks
Chinese society now laughs at poverty but not at prostitution,
and values are taking a ​reverse trend,
which affects the perceptions of the teachers as well.
Hu Ping (Editor-in-Chief, Beijing Spring magazine):
“In the Chinese tradition, teaching is a very respectable career.
But now it has bad reputation, including two aspects,
one is certainly related to their wages,
the other is that in today’s China for teachers is difficult
to assume such a role to educate the community.
Just like other industries, the education field has its shortfalls.
It is hard for teachers to be decent in such an environment."
Prof. Zhang Tianliang from U.S. George Mason University
said, in the past the teacher was teaching and solving doubts.
In addition to teaching students some skills,
it was important to teach them how to be good people.
Now teachers just pass on science and technology knowledge
to the next generation, without talking about moral values.
This leads to the fast decline of human morality.
They cannot win students’ respect with this approach, either.
Prof. Zhang (George Mason University, U.S.): “The CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) itself is a criminal group
with corruption and prurience. When it teaches the kids,
it actually instills this ideology into their minds.
So the current generation has been disjoined
from the traditional culture.
In communist China there are experts that would easily
distort interpretations of the traditional culture concepts."
A teacher commented on a blog, “Chinese society and its
education system made teachers’ morality unsustainable.
Parents spent so much money for their childrens’ education,
so they would not be grateful to school and teachers.
If they encounter teachers asking money from them,
it will only increase their disgust.
Those dutiful teachers are expected to feel humble
when facing unruly students and low wages,
and when even their own children
look down on their jobs.”
NTD reporters Liu Hui and Li Ruolin
