【禁闻】利益挂帅 外媒称中共“变色龙”













9月3号,根据加拿大《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)获得的文件显示,中共当局控制的武器制造商在7月下旬,准备卖给卡扎菲政权2亿美元的大量储备物资和武器。



CCP’s Chameleon Strategy

Deputy Minister Zhai Jun of the Chinese Department of State,
met with the chaif of Libyan State Transition Committee.
Zhai recognized the Committee
as the current major political force in Libya,
and asked them to protect the interests
of Chinese enterprises in Libya.
Experts believe that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
focuses solely on self-interest, and is a group of opportunism.
German media said the CCP utilized
a “chameleon strategy” to hunt energy.

State Transition Committee in Libya is now recognized
by five permanent members of the UN Security Council,
but not China. After the Reconstruction of Libya
International Conference (Friends of Libya Conference),
Deputy Minister Zhai Jun of Department of Foreign Affairs,
immediately met with Mahmoud Jibril,
of the Board of the National Transitional Council.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an article
a few days ago, pointing out CCP as an energy “newcomer,”
pursuing a “chameleon strategy." It is now searching around
in areas ignored by the Western World,
without caring about the authoritarian regime
or the democratic system.
China maintains a good relationship
with Africa and South America,
because they do not care about human rights
and democracy in China, above cooperation.
The article further analyzed how the CCP became more
flexible for the replacement of authoritarian power.
Beijing had contacted the Libyan rebel forces, and also
maintained relationship with independent southern Sudan.
The democratic movements in Africa
made Beijing diversify its energy sources,
and the investment objectives have transferred
from Africa to South American countries.
Professor Su Ming, a political commentator, believes that
the CCP is trying to take care of its interests in the oil
during the period when Libya is eager to recover its economy.
It is worried the transition committee won’t recognize and
continue previously signed contracts with Gaddafi’s regime.

Su Ming (political commentator): “The CCP has no morals.
All it did was entirely subject to its own interests.
If there is profit, or no great loss, it will not be late for CCP
to announce its support for the transition committee."
Zhai told Jibril that CCP respects Libyan people’s choice,
recognizes the importance of the state transition committee
in Libya, and is willing to maintain close contact with it
to push their friendly relationship forward.
Zhai hoped that the transition committee respects China’s
core interests, and protects the interests
of Chinese enterprises in Libya.

CCP originally supported Gaddafi strongly as the legitimate
leader, and labeled the opposition as chaos makers;
when the rebels reached Tripoli, CCP claimed that
“Libyan people should decide their own future,"
and started to provide relief supplies to them.
CCP’s stand turned 180 degrees.
Democrat Chen Po Kong and Beijing Spring magazine
editor-in-chief Hu Ping, believe that the change in attitude
of the CCP was totally out of its own interests,
but not universal human rights and peace.
Hu Ping (Editor-in-chief, Beijing Spring magazine):
“It (CCP) knows Gaddafi is in a hopeless situation.
It had a lot of interest in Libya,
and is not willing to suffer too much loss.
Its interest is its first priority, so it is an opportunist.”

According to Reuters, the state transition committee chairman
Mustafa Jalil complained that the CCP told Libya
to unblock its overseas assets, Jibril also inquired
information from Zhai on this unexpected stand of the CCP.
China News Agency said Jibril has promised to comply
with signed contracts with China,
to take necessary measures to protect the assets of Chinese
business interests in Libya, and ensure personnel safety.
Cheng Xiaonong (PhD, Sociology of Princeton University):
“It is just a statement, it does not mean that China
would have as much interest as before
when Gaddafi was in power.
The CCP and Libyan officials must have many corrupt trades,
which may be revealed when investigation starts.
Libya, after all, will be a democratic country in the future,
and will not hide bad deeds for the CCP.”
On September 3, the Canadian Globe and Mail obtained
documents which showed that weapon manufacturers
controlled by the CCP once tried to sell the Gaddafi regime
a large number of reserve materials and weapons,
valued at $200 million, in late July.

The report showed that the CCP violated the UN ban,
and still secretly helped the Gaddafi regime.
The CCP’s chameleon strategy is really true.

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Mingfei and Zhou Xinyi
