【禁闻】百度微软合作 网友抵制













Baidu Allies with Microsoft

China’s largest internet searching engine Baidu.com
has officially announced cooperation with Microsoft in China.
Microsoft will provide English searching in return.
Such a cooperation sparked public criticism and suspicions.
Netizens call for a boycott of the project before it commences.

China’s largest search engine Baidu has allied with Microsoft.
English searches with Baidu will automatically transfer
into Microsoft’s search engine, Bing.
Baidu users will have their English searches done by Bing.
Products of their cooperation will be marketed later this year.

Though little details have been made public,
experts assume that the cooperation will be conducted under
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) internet censorship.

Zhou Shuguang (citizen journalist):
The cooperative project will self-censor.
So, the CCP can examine both political and commercial results.
By the self-censorship, CCP can obtain more business secrets.
This will lead to less social responsibility.

Google Senior Vice President David Drummond
criticized the CCP in public on the hacking issue in 2010,
and announced suspension of censorship on Google.cn.
Google.cn changed into Google.hk afterwards.

Zhou Shuguang: Google withdrew from China
for the sake of exemption of CCP censorship,
and Google set up its search engine in Hong Kong.
Microsoft and Baidu failed to do that.

To celebrate the CCP’s 90th Anniversary, on June 20,
Baidu launched an imbedded flash bouquet platform.
Netizens soon found out the number of flowers in the bouquet
was increasing as time passed rather than visitor visits.
The number of flowers was increasing at a speed of 18/second,
with or without one’s clicking.
Many netizens expressed their discontent.
Baidu soon removed this platform.

Taiwan Central News Agency commented that
though Google lost its market in China,
its global search engine market share is still over 80%.
Baidu and Bing ranks third only next to Yahoo.
For Baidu, though still leading China’s search engine market,
it ranks far behind Google
with only Chinese and Japanese search capabilities.

In China, more sophisticated netizens
choose Google as their first choice.

Xiao Qiang, China’s internet program director at
University of California–Berkeley School of Journalism
told Radio Free Asia that it will be funny if Bing self-censors.
Will there be difference between search results from Bing
in China and search results from Bing for non-Chinese IP users?
Will Bing treat Chinese users differently compared to others?
CCP internet censorship issue is inevitable in their talks.

Mo Nan (netizen) comments: Google’s withdrawal
was a sign that Google did not lose its morals.
For some businesses, it would seem less
likely for them to be restrained by morals.
Google however did.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu
