【禁闻】私了六四 天安门母亲拒分化











Black-Box Offers For Tiananmen Mothers

June 4 is the 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen
Massacre. On May 31, in an open letter,
Tiananmen Mothers website exposed that the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) contacted the families
of certain victims, trying to settle issues with money.

The open letter was posted on Tiananmen Mothers,
and was stating, “Tiananmen Massacre victims
should not be desecrated or defiled.”
127 family members of the dead signed the letter.

The open letter reads: “For 22 years we recorded
203 victims who perished on Tiananmen.
Many are unidentified or there is no information of.”

Among the 203 known victims, some were beaten
to death during protesting against CCP’s atrocities;
others were shot when rescuing the wounded;
some were hunted down in home areas by troops;
others were shot by troops when hiding in buildings;
some were shot while taking photos on the scene.
After verification, none were found to be violent.
They were all peaceful protestors and citizens.

The letter states that in February and April 2011,
a police department in a Beijing district contacted
a Tiananmen mother privately and told her
not to “disclose the truth" in exchange for money.
They stressed, this is for individuals, not the group.

Ding Zilin, leader of Tiananmen Mothers,
told overseas media that authorities repeatedly
sought out this person, exhibiting unusual urgency.
Tiananmen Mothers made it very clear
that first, they don’t accept the visitor’s identity.
He didn’t represent authorities, but was a policeman.
Second, a major issue like Tiananmen Massacre
cannot be resolved in a private black-box operation.
Third, they cannot agree with the compensation,
as it was “only for individuals, not the group."

Despite such unusual visits, one Tiananmen Mother,
Xu Jue, said they face more severe pressure
in 2011. They are under police surveillance
day and night. Their personal freedom is restricted.
They still cannot publicly mourn their loved ones.

The open letter pointed out at the end,
that due to the Jasmine Revolutions’ influence,
nervous authorities are tightening control of society,
resulting in serious human rights violations in China.
“China faces its toughest times since Tiananmen.
The entire country has become silent.
On this grim background is where private dialogues
occur between police and victims’ families.”

Ding Zilin told the Hong Kong’ media Ming Pao:
“This is the usual CCP practice of probing.
It is still all for CCP’s ‘maintenance of stability’.
Tiananmen Massacre is their blood debt;
Tiananmen Mothers’ voice makes them sleepless.”

Ding demands legal channels to solve the issue.
She said they welcomed the authorities’ contact.
“The process must be more open with clear identity.
No black-box operations. No splitting up the group.
Don’t think that money can buy everything."

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Bo Ni
