















CCP Fears Party Quitting More Than “Jasmine"

In recent days, news frequented from Sichuan
regarding dissidents being arrested,
for taking part in the Jasmine rallies in China.
Meanwhile, Chinese authorities started
‘Red Education’ and promoted loyalty
to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
What’s really going on?
Let’s take a look at the report.

Right after Sichuan writer Ran Yunfei, and rights
activist Ding Mo, were arrested
by the Chinese authorities on March 25 and 28,
Sichuan’s dissident Chen Wei was also charged
with “inciting subversion of state power" on March 29.

RFA reported that Chen was a student at Beijing
Institute of Technology during 89s Tiananmen
Massacre, after which he was detained for a year.
In 1993 he was sentenced to 5 years
for being “counter-reactionary". After his release,
he insisted on promoting Chinese democracy
and safeguarding human rights. On February 20,
Chen was arrested at the first Jasmine rally.

Chinese authorities wantonly arrested many
dissidents, and suppressed the Jasmine rallies.
Meanwhile, they strengthened “Red Education".

According to mainland media reports,,
Chongqing mayor Bo Xilai recently promoted
the “Red Movement" more intensely.
On March 4, 3000 Chongqing citizens sang
the “red songs" under the Great Wall.
On February 28, thousands of people reviewed
the ceremony of joining the CCP. Also, the prison
guards from six providences were organized to learn
how to conduct the “Red Education" in prison.

In Shanghai, some art schools even started
the so-called “Three Entries" movement, that is,
to let Marxism enter textbooks, classrooms and
students’ minds. Meanwhile Tsinghua University
started to promote the loyalty towards the CCP.

Hu Ping, Editor in Chief of “Beijing Spring" magazine,
and renown political commentator, believes
that CCP is further tightening its ideological grip,
which is consistent with recent arrest of dissidents.

He said that the CCP does not even believe
in the “Red Education". It is purely a self-deception.
The aim is to strengthen ideological control
and domestication. This is indicative
of its arbitrary power yet internal weakness.

After the “9 Commentaries on the Communist Party"
was published in November 2004,
causing a party quitting wave all over the world,
CCP tried to use “Red Education" to suppress
the trend of quitting the communist party.

For instance, they organized officials at various
levels to review the party-joining vows, to conduct
the so-called “advanced education", and to uniformly
train all county executives, public security directors
and political-legal committee secretaries in Beijing.
Nevertheless, all these could not stop people from
awakening and quitting the CCP and its affiliate’s .

Epoch Times statistics show that 93+ million people
have quited CCP and its affiliates since 2004.

Li Dayong, Director of the Global Service Center
for Quitting CCP, urged people not to participate
in “Red Activities". He said, it equates to nourishing
the evil if you agree with and hold illusions for CCP.

Li Dayong said, that Chinese authorities fear quitting
the CCP more than the Jasmine rallies. He pointed
out, that disintegration of the CCP is the only way
to stop its persecution of innocent people and reach
social stability, while quitting the CCP and its
affiliated organizations is the most straightforward,
fastest and most peaceful way to disintegrate CCP.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Zhou Tian.
