【禁聞】湖南官揭腐敗喪命 親友27人獲刑














採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/舒燦

Hunan Official Exposed Corruption Dies From Torture.
Family and Friends Sentenced.

A mainland Chinese official was detained, interrogated
and then sentenced to jail after he tried to expose
local corruption.

When he was released from prison,
he was in a critical condition and died soon after.
Subsequently, all his relatives, friends, ordinary people
and other officials who supported him and showed their
sympathy for him,

have been arrested with the charges of being involved
in the Mafia, facing sentences to prison.
There are a total of 30 people involved in this case,
which attracted the attention of media home and abroad.
Beijing political watchers pointed out that, the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), launched the anti-corruption movement
from top to bottom,

which is based on the will of the supreme ruler to develop
rules for anti-corruption and decide the punishable targets.
The anti-corruption launched by unauthorised people
or officials, were forced back by the mechanism
of the CCP anti-corruption.

According to the “China Human Rights Defenders",
Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Intermediate People’s Court
of Hunan Province,
passed judgement upon a case they called, “Super large-scale
Mafia Gang",
and on Feb. 9 sentenced 27 members involved,
of which the most seriously sentenced was to 25 years.
The person in question resolutely resisted the judgement
and filed an appeal.

“New York Times" quoted the opinion of the defending
lawyer on Feb. 13,
pointing out that the judgment was for political reasons,
rather than a penal crime.
In such a case, so many people sentenced at the same time
is very rare in the judicial practice.
It is understood that 27 people who have been sentenced
belong to the Hmong people, an indigenous mountain folk,
also of relevance to a deceased former local official
in Fenghuang County of Hunan Province.

According to “Chinese reporters survey network",
due to exposing corruption of local authorities,
the former deputy governor of Fenghuang County
of Hunan Province Long Baorong,
suffered a joint retaliation by local county CCP Head
and Xiangxi Prefecture CCP Head,
and was then detained by the Discipline Inspection
Commission of the CCP of Xiangxi Prefecture.
In 2011, the court sentenced Long Baorong to four years
imprisonment by the crime of “suspecting position
embezzlement" and other such charges.

Beijing Chinese politics watcher Mr Hua Po:
“The anti-corruption launched by the CCP
is executed from top to bottom,
and is relying on the will, policies, and ideas of the first leader,
rather than a thorough anti-corruption undertaken by the people.

The anti-corruption action undertaken by its lower officials
is strictly controlled.
If the lower officials freely reported on their superiors ,
this is likely to offend the upper levels and possibly lead
to a situation out of control.

In addition, the CCP regime is one system dictated
by the CCP head, which has infinite power.
It is the CCP that makes all the decisions, the CCP head is just
a major monitor, the rest are just its members.

During imprisonment, Long Baorong suffered torture
with much pain and illness, repeatedly fainting
from death-like experiences.

He raised several requests for medical treatment but his requests
were refused due to the resolute objection of the local
county’s CCP Head, his life was in constant danger.

He was eventually released, two days after his return home,
he passed away.
More than 1000 people, local to his area, attended
the memorial.

Hua Po: “Because now the CCP has already been
departmentalised, but also the corruption
is departmentalised.

So reporting such corruption by a deputy county governor
is equal to an alien making the report,
and he is probably regarded as a “traitor" by the (corrupt) group.

Hence this group will certainly put him in death corner
and have him killed."

Just one month after Long Baorong died, his family and friends
have been subject to the ‘extermination style’
arrest undertaken by the authorities.

From the end of August 2012, the armed police
and special police unit of Hunan Province
and Xiangxi Prefecture, have taken uniform action,

arrested all members of Long Xianyuan’s family,
who is the son-in-law of Long Baorong,
in the crime of involvement with the Mafia.

In addition, some public servants in the local official field
who have sympathy to Long Baorong were all arrested,
the number detained reached 50.

Beijing lawyer Wang Quanzhang: “He is a county governor
of a minority (Miao ethnic group).
When he defended the interests of the ethnic group,
all the people of his ethnic group stood by him.
At least 50 plus people have been arrested.
But later, 20 of the 50 were released and 27 prosecuted."

According to the “Human Rights Defenders" report on citing
lawyer Ma Wangquan,
Long’s brothers and many others prosecuted, have all
experienced the torture of the police,
and were forced to provide a false confession.

Long Xianyuan was not allowed to sleep for many consecutive days,
with his two hands bound, hung from them and tortured.
He nearly died.

Long Xianjiang who is the elder brother of Long Xianyuan,
had his teeth smashed, with two other people whose
legs were disabled, all due to torture.

Wang Quanzhang: “Such sufferings from torture are very serious.

At the time of the incident taking place, my party was called Peng bo
(nephew of Long’s and brother’s).
He was brought out from the detention centre, and then beaten
in the office of the Public Security Bureau.
He was kneeling when he was beaten by the police for such
a long assault."

During the trial on Feb. 9 of this year, Long Xianyuan,
son-in-law of former deputy governor of Fenghuang County,
Long Baorong was sentenced to 15 years in jail,
his elder brother Long Xianjiang was sentenced to 25 years in jail
for more than 10 charges,
including organising and leading the underworld,
drug trafficking and others.

Their nephew Peng Bo was sentenced to 24 years in jail,
and the other 23 defendants were sentenced 16 months or longer.

According to “Chinese Human Rights Defenders",
when the court made the judgement,
they openly broke the law, and actually warned
the families of the defendants,
if they appealed and objected to the verdict,
the second trial will bring heavier sentencing.
However, according to China’s “Criminal Law", the second trial
to appeal cannot lead to increasing the sentence term.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ShuCan
