【禁聞】港府學聯週二對話 會否節外生枝?






期間,警方與抗議者發生推撞,場面一度混亂,警察多次施用胡椒噴霧,他們還用警棍驅趕抗議者,有抗議者頭部被打出血。這次衝突中,警方拘捕了26 人。











據報導,雙方第一次表態願意對話之後, 10月3號發生了大批包括有黑社會背景在內的反佔中人士,在旺角佔領區毆打學生和抗議者,迫使學聯停止對話;10月4號後,學聯願意恢復對話,雙方舉行了3場籌備會議。然而就在雙方定於10號舉行正式對話的前一天,政府單方面以學生威脅要升級不合作運動為由,突然取消了對話。


採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

Is Hong Kong Dialogue Finally Set for Tuesday?

The Occupy Central for genuine universal suffrage has lasted
more than three weeks.

Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration, Carrie Lam,
recently indicated that a two-hour dialogue is set for Tuesday
with the Federation of Students.

Previously, dialogues between the Government and the federation
have been interrupted due to escalated conflicts as well as some
incomprehensible actions of the Government.

Will this Tuesday’s dialogue get to proceed?

The following is our report.

After the exposure of footage showing Hong Kong police hitting
a civilian on the 15th, under the consequent tension H K
Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said, in a statement on the 16th,
the Government would conduct a dialogue with the protesters
early next week.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

But, after the statement, some protesters had to retreat due to a
police raid on Mong Kok and removal roadblocks and tents
at 5:00 on the 17th.

Protesters criticized Leung Chun-ying that he offered dialogue
on the one hand, but on the other ordered the clearing and
so created obstacles to dialogue.

They strongly questioned the sincerity of the Government
over dialogue.

On the night of the 17th, a large rally took place at Mong Kok.

About 9,000 protesters successfully drove away the police
and re-occupied an even bigger area in Mong Kok
on the morning of the 18th.

In the clash, the police used pepper spray and batons causing
some protesters head injuries.

The police arrested 26 people.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Between the 18th evening to the 19th morning,
protesters clashed with police again.

Several demonstrators were injured in Mong Kok.

Professor of Political Science, City University of Hong Kong,
Joseph Cheng: “The young people are indeed not convinced
because the Government is ignoring people’s basic political rights.

People condemn the Government’s contradictory acts and for
being groundless to talk about law and order or the rule of law."

Professor Joseph Cheng, also convenor of the Alliance
for True Democracy, says this political pro-democracy
in Hong Kong could be faced with long term, peaceful,
non-violent civil disobedience.

After protesters reoccupied Mong Kok, Carrie Lam also said
same day that a dialogue of 2 hours is scheduled on the 21st.

Five people from both parties will conduct the dialogue
with live broadcasting with Lingnan University President
Leonard Cheng as the moderator.

The federation’s Deputy Secretary-General Lester Shum indicated
that Leonard Cheng had previously issued some biased opinion,
but hopes he will be able to abide by the principle of impartiality.

Commentator Tang Jingyuan: “Leonard Cheng was
Leung Chun-ying’s campaign consultant, and a supporter
of the infamous Basic Law Article 23.

He has also been known as pro-Leung Chun-ying
on multiple occasions."

Tang Jingyuan does not believe Leung Chun-ying and Beijing
will compromise on political reform and thus the dialogue
is just a tactic to relieve public stress.

Joseph Cheng: “There is a huge gap in recognition.

Beijing and Hong Kong Governments are talking about the
framework of the Basic rule and the Standing Committee’s
With those frameworks, what is there to talk about?"

Joseph Cheng indicates that the students don’t hold much
expectation of the dialogue. The dialogue is to let
the Government explain to the public its stand by itself.

Dr.Tam Chi Keung told Voice of America, there has been
no evidence that someone was intentionally breaking
the dialogue, but, it is obvious every time there was
a chance to talk, something would come up to interfere with
the dialogue proceeding.

Accordingly, when the two sides expressed a willingness
for dialogue for the first time, the anti-Occupy triads’ violence
forced the federation to call off the dialogue on Oct. 3.

After the federation reopened the dialogue on Oct. 4 and
three preparatory meetings, the Government canceled
the dialogue the day before with the excuse that the students
were threatening to escalate the non-cooperation movement.

Senior media expert Lai Chak Fun wrote an article commenting
that Xi Jinping has instructed, “no compromise, no bloodshed."

However, the Government and the Chinese Communist hardliners
intentionally prolong the crisis and manufacture the bloodshed,
as an excuse to force Xi Jinping to take tough measures.

He believes that the struggle over the next few days
will be intricate, people must stay on high alert.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ShongFeng Post-Production/ShuCan
