




馬航失聯中國乘客家屬 馬使館抗議







會見被拘四律師被拒 兩律師絕食




Michelle Obama’s Chengdu Speech Contains Sensitive Topics

US first lady Michelle Obama’s China visit has been 5 days.

On March 25, she raised sensitive issues including ethnic
equality, the civil rights movement and religious freedom
during her visit to Chengdu No.7 Middle school.

Michelle spoke to 488 high school students and 113 teachers
at the No.7 middle school auditorium:
“In America, we believe no matter where you live, how much
money your parents have, or what race or religion or ethnicity
you are — if you work hard and believe in yourself, then you
should have a chance to succeed.”

Michelle also said “We also believe that everyone is equal and
that we all have the right to say what we think and worship as
we choose, even when others don’t like what we say or don’t
always agree with what we believe. “

Families of The Lost Malaysia Airline Passengers Protested
at The Malaysia Embassy.

Malaysia’s prime minister announced that missing flight
MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.
The announcement angered the Chinese passengers’ families.

They issued a statement accusing the Malaysian government
of strongly procrastinating, concealing and covering up the
facts during the search and rescue process.

On March 25, the protesters wearing matching T-shirts, held
Professionally printed banners and marched from the Lido
Hotel to the Malaysian Embassy.

Some international media reported that the public street
demonstrations are illegal in China; it’s very rare to hold
such protests ignoring the authorities.

VOA reported that the protesters chanted slogans and one man
asked the Chinese government to stand up but was told not to
mention it.

The report said it’s obviously a careful organized march.

Ma Ying-jeou Agreed to Negotiate With Students Who
Occupy The Legislative Yuan

It has been 8 days since Taiwan anti-trade services students
occupied the LegislativeYuan.
President Ma Ying-jeou finally decided to invite student
representatives to talk and resolve the impasse.
The student representative Lin Feifan agreed to negotiate but
with no consensus in the form of a dialogue, the time or place.
They are waiting for Ma Ying-jeou’s sufficient goodwill.

Two Lawyers on Hunger Strike When The Meeting Was
Rejected. Four Lawyers Detained

Several human rights lawyers were again refused a meeting
with the four detained lawyers in Jiamusi Jiansanjiang
Seven detention center.

On March 25, human rights lawyers Li Jinxing and Zhang Lei
started a hunger strike outside of the Seven Stars detention
center to request a meeting.

A large number of unidentified persons issued death threats
against them on the spot.

On March 20, four lawyers, Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong,
Wang Cheng and Zhang Junjie went to request the release
of illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners at a black jail
of Jiansanjiang Reclamation Bureau.
On March 21, the four lawyers were taken away and detained
by the local police at a hotel.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
