【禁聞】自我審查不夠 彭博「麻煩」不斷

【新唐人2013年12月05日訊】英國首相卡梅倫最近正在中國大陸訪問,許多國際媒體記者隨行報導,美國《彭博通訊社》也派出駐英記者羅布.赫頓(Rob Hutton)隨團訪華。2號下午,北京和英國訪問團在人民大會堂舉行新聞發佈會時,赫頓被拒絕入場。而稍早之前曾經傳出,《彭博社》因自我審查有關中國的報導,有記者因而被停職。除此之外,《彭博》在中國遭遇的麻煩還不止這一樁。



《彭博》資深主編溫以樂( Matthew Winkler )在10月末,砍掉了駐香港記者對中共領導人與中國富豪間的財富關係調查報導。他跟記者說﹕「如果我們登出這則報導,我們會被趕出中國。」同時他還辯解,外國新聞機構在納粹德國治下,也是通過自我審查,來維繫報導能力。



據《彭博社》員工們說,自我審查不到一週之後,關於中共高官子女受僱於外國銀行的另一篇報導也遭封殺。《紐約時報》披露,之前被《彭博》扣發的共有兩篇報導,都是由駐香港資深記者傅才德(Michael Forsythe)撰寫。《金融時報》11月17號引述消息來源報導,傅才德已經被停職。







採訪/易如 編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Bloomberg Gets in Trouble after Spontaneous Self-censoring

Anchor Accompanying British PM David Cameron’s recent visit to
Beijing, many international media reporters were present,
including UK political correspondent for Bloomberg,
Robert Hutton.
However, Hutton was refused entry to the Great Hall
where the press conference was to be held between
Beijing and the UK.

Bloomberg had a reporter suspended due to self-censorship
on news sensitive to Beijing just recently.
It looks like Bloomberg’s trouble with China is more than
just one incident.

Reporter Headquartered in New York, Bloomberg, the business and
financial market news agency, has recently encountered
a series of troubles in China.

On Dec. 2, its British journalist Robert Hutton, accompanying
British PM to China, was excluded from a press
conference in Beijing.

Whereas just last month, Chinese authorities had made
unannounced “inspections" of Bloomberg’s Beijing
and Shanghai bureaus.

Chinese authorities conducted unannounced “inspections"
at Bloomberg News bureaus in Beijing and Shanghai in the
final days of November, reported Fortune magazine on Dec. 2.

Chinese officials asked the company for an apology from
Winkler for his comment of comparing CCP to the
Nazi-era Germany.

Fortune reported, Bloomberg cancelled a year-long
investigation on financial ties between a Chinese billionaire
and government officials in late October.

Bloomberg News editor-in-chief Matt Winkler, explained
his decision to kill the story by comparing it to
self-censorship by foreign news bureaus,

who were trying to preserve their ability to
report inside Nazi-era Germany.

In mid-November, both New York Times and Financial Times
have reported respectively,
that Bloomberg News has been accused of quashing a story,
one that alleges hidden financial ties
between one of the wealthiest men in China and the families

of top Chinese leaders undertaking self censorship in order
to remain in the country.

Chris Wu, editor in chief of China Affairs magazine:
“The CCP is taking a sanction or even retaliation against
Bloomberg for exposing the corrupt officials
and the inside scoop.
To the CCP, it is not enough even though the Bloomberg
has disciplined itself and withheld materials from publication."

Bloomberg employees said that less than a week later after
the self censorship, a second article,
about the children of senior Chinese officials employed by
foreign banks, was also spiked.
New York Times revealed that Michael Forsythe was the
main writer for both reports.
Financial Times reported on Nov. 17 that Michael Forsythe
was later suspended.

Zan Aizong, former China Ocean News reporter: “Criticizing
is a negative thing in the eyes of the ruling Party, CCP.
They would definitely welcome praising reports like what the
People’s Daily often do.
Speaking truth is going against the People’s Daily,
& is regarded not a good thing."

The Chinese government was infuriated over the Bloomberg
investigative series in 2012,
which revealed the private wealth accumulated
by the families of top public officials,
including the yet to be CCP leader, Xi Jinping.

Since then, new journalists have been denied residency, whilst
sales of its financial terminals to state enterprises
have slowed down considerably.

Bloomberg’s operations in China have suffered immensely
in response to their reports.

However, under the watchful eyes, Chris Wu believes CCP
itself is the greatest loser within this series of actions.

Chris Wu: “The CCP has revealed to the world media and
its readers, the fact that exposing its bad deeds
is subject to retaliation.
Its (CCP’s) standards are, no criticism is allowed.
Through its own actions, it is simply hurting
its own economy and politics."

On the 3rd, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei
explained, how a Bloomberg reporter had been excluded
in order to give priority to journalists from China and Britain.

He also specifically emphasized that the arrangements
were no different from before.

But when asked about the unannounced inspections of
Bloomberg’s Beijing and Shanghai bureaus last week,
Hong Lei did not directly address the issue.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/LiYong
