【禁聞】習近平發表重要講話 應對新危險?











中國基督徒民主黨發言人 陸東:「所以它紀念五四和我們的立場是不一樣的。它是用五四極端排外的這麼一個立場,要封鎖海外的謠言網站,要抵制西方文明世界的所謂和平演變的這麼一個市場。」




採訪/常春 編輯/王子琦 後製/陳建銘

Xi Jinping Answers Youth “Risk” With “Chinese Dream”

A survey conducted on the eve of the May 4th Youth Day
shows that only 33% of college students believe in Marxism.
Associate Dean of the college of Marxism
expressed concerns over the survey results.
Xi Jingping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) recently made an important speech
to youth representatives from all walks of life,
declaring that, “strong youth equals a strong country”.
In addition, Xi mentioned the “Chinese dream” repeatedly,
claiming that it belonged to the younger generation.

Mainland media reported that a Beijing University student
had written a letter to President Xi Jinping on the eve of
May 4th and Xi’s reply had again stated the Chinese dream.

On May 3rd, a media report cited a survey conducted
on students at 45 colleges by an associate dean of
the China Youth Political College of Marxism.
The survey showed that 88.6% of students attach importance
to joining the CCP, but only 33% believe in communism.
The students’ motivation behind becoming CCP members
and participating politically is in gaining power and wealth.

Political Commentator, Xing Tianxing: “The survey shows that only 33% believe in communism,but actually, one cannot say that any of the students really believe in communism,since it’s only that in China’s educational system
there are no other options given and students are simply being brainwashed.”

Xing Tianxing also points out that Xi Jinping’s response
to the student’s letter was, “loving the party is patriotic”.
But now, many students have recognized that the so-called
Chinese dream has nothing to do with communism.
The survey results also reflect the fact that
the CCP has failed in their brainwashing of youth groups.

[Xing Tianxing]: “The CCP is also scared by this survey,
as it has seen a trend;
if the CCP can’t contain the younger generation in patriotism,
they may be a future ‘social risk’—they may change society.
The media’s lengthy report hides a very clear signal
—it’s warning the CCP of danger.”

On May 4th, Xi Jinping visited the China Aerospace Science
and Technology Corporation for talks with representatives of youth from all walks of life.
Xi stressed that the younger generation was full of vitality
and dreams, saying, “strong youth equals a strong country!”

Xi Jinping also said that the Chinese dream belongs
to everyone, but particularly the younger generation.
He appealed to the youth to assume responsibility
and follow the CCP.

[Lu Dong, Christian Democratic Party Spokesman]:
“The Chinese dream itself is a copy of the ‘American dream’
but Xi has not understood the essence of the American dream
— that everyone is entitled to happiness and equal rights.
These values come from the Bible,
from its principles of universal values;
but what are the values of the Chinese dream?

Lu Dong points out that Xi Jinping is utilizing
the Youth Day to promote the Chinese Dream.
Lu says the CCP has just inherited this holiday and wants to
take advantage to fight the so-called “foreign hostile forces”.

[Lu Dong]: “So the CCP’s motive behind commemorating
May 4th is quite different from ours.
It wants to use it to show an extreme xenophobic stance
—the CCP’s blocking overseas ‘rumoring’ websites
and boycotting the market of a ‘Western civilized world
with its peaceful evolution’.”

May 5th is the 195th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.

Netizens have said:
“Marxism is a soul evocation streamer of Eastern countries;
Marx, please take your followers with you, all of them!”

[Xing Tianxing]: “These netizens said out of anger,
‘Marx, take all of your followers with you’.
In fact, they’re hoping the CCP will collapse
—no more CCP members, no more CCP, period.”

Xing Tianxing says, after 64 years of CCP rule,
China has turned into a society of corruption, lies,
unfairness, injustice and even lacks basic rules of law.

So if students are to be really patriotic,
they must recognize the difference between China and the CCP, and abandon the CCP.
