【禁聞】五一假日 網友自製災難地圖引關注















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/薛莉

‘Disaster Map’ Spreads Concern Over May Day Holidays

As the May Day holidays approach in mainland China,
travel during the three-day break is becoming a hot topic.
Some netizens have made a ‘disaster zone map’ calling it:
“Where are you going during the May Day holidays?”
which marks areas of high risk for the avian flu,
earthquakes, droughts, dust storms and other disasters.
Along with a mention of the expensive entrance tickets
for tourism attractions and the problem of thieves there,
it’s caused many people to abandon any ideas of travel
during the holidays, because in short, nowhere is safe.

A ‘disaster map’ is now being widely circulated on the Net,

marking danger zones in various provinces and cities
for environmental disasters, including Beijing’s air pollution;
Guangdong’s thunderstorms; sandstorms in Inner Mongolia;

earthquakes in Sichuan and Qinghai;
and a water shortage in Yunnan and Gansu.
No disasters are recorded for Tibet, but there are the risks
of the possibly deadly reactions to its high altitudes.

Then there are the man-made disasters caused by
the Chinese Communist Party(CCP),
like the clashes between the government and
locals in Xinjiang; the high entrance fee in Fenghuang;
the avian influenza in eastern China;
and the rampant thieving in Henan Province.
It may be even worse in Jilin Province, where
North Korea could target its missiles at any time.

Seeing the disasters, many netizens lamented that nowhere
was safe and home was the only place for the holidays.

[Sun Wenguang, Former Professor at Shandong University]:
“For example, it should take 2 – 3 hours by car from Jinan to
Qingdao, but now it may take 11 hours due to traffic jams;
it may also be very crowded in various places.
There are many thieves; there’s the avian influenza;
and the air pollution and its haze hasn’t completely gone.

Also the water quality is not good and contaminated pork
is everywhere—people do not dare to touch meat or dairy
and now we’ve discovered rice with high levels of lead.”

Sun Wenguang says it’s not safe to eat and live in China,

where you may find fake food in big hotels,
and waste oil and toxic food in small restaurants.

[Sun Wenguang]: “Why can these things happen?—
we know that the CCP just wants to maintain its reign and
use policies of so-called ‘maintaining stability’
to deal with its opposition faction.
There’s no way now for the CCP to put a real effort into
improving people’s livelihoods and the environment.
It’s very painful to live in China
so some people try to move aboard;
wealthy families will go aboard as a whole family and
poor families want at least the children to go aboard
—people use various methods to leave China.”

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian says the deterioration of
the ecological environment and other issues are man-made
disasters arising from the CCP focusing solely on ‘economic
development’, regardless of people’s living conditions.

[Li Tiantian]: “The discontentment of
China’s people is increasing steadily;
people talk about these issues unscrupulously
in QQ groups and a lot of things are written down,
with dozens of stories and illustrations appearing
every day to report the news.”

Liu Yinquan, the Central Committee moderator of
a Chinese Social Democratic Party in the U.S. says the CCP has already ruined China.

[Liu Yinquan]: “Firstly, it’s a crisis of faith;
people don’t believe in anything and
it’s caused a loss of morals which has made the whole
environment unsuitable for people to live in—for example,
environmental destruction; the proliferation of pesticides
and fertilizers; waste oil; and a buildup of toxic substances.”

Liu Yinquan says China suffers high levels of water and air
pollution and dead pigs and chickens are also turning up;
on top of the problems of earthquakes, sandstorms
and heavy airborne haze.

[Liu Yinquan]: “The avian flu for example is bound
to arise in places with such poor health conditions and
environmental pollution—I fear there may be
a future plague epidemic.
Local officials, especially the Public Security,
inspection agencies, and the court disregard people’s lives;
they only partially enforce laws and go against the
powerless people, causing much public resentment.”

Liu Yinquan says, environmental damage caused by the
CCP affects all residents—when the threat of survival
reaches a certain point for the entire Chinese people,
it will cause them to rise up and overthrow the CCP.
