
【新唐人2013年03月21日訊】政治分析人士裴敏欣在《外交者》(The Diplomat)雜誌上,發表了《中共下臺的五套劇本》。他說,從歷史經驗上看,前蘇聯共產黨、台灣國民黨、與墨西哥革命制度黨,這三個執政時間最長的政黨都不是一夕崩潰,早在他們交出權力的十年前就已出現系統性危機。不出幾年,中國發生民主過渡的可能性相當高。
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/鍾元

Factors Contributing to Inevitable Downfall of CCP

The Diplomat magazine published an article
authored by political analyst Minxin Pei.
It is entitled, “Five Ways China Could Become a Democracy".

The article highlights the “three longest
ruling one-party regimes" during history.
These were the Communist Party of the former Soviet
Union, and the one-party regimes in Mexico and Taiwan.
They “began to experience system-threatening crisis
roughly a decade before they exited political power."
Pei thinks that “a transition to democracy in China
in the next 10 to 15 years is an event of high probability."

Minxin Pei mentions the “accumulated international
and historical experience in democratic transitions."
That is,"roughly 80 countries have made the
transition from authoritarian rule to varying forms
and degrees of democracy in the past 40 years."

The article states “the record longevity
of a one-party regime is 74 years.
This is held by the former Communist
Party of the Soviet Union."
“One-party regimes in Mexico and Taiwan remained
in power for 71 and 73 years, respectively."

Pei points out that “the three longest-ruling one-party
regimes began to experience system-threatening crisis
roughly a decade before they exited political power."
He considers “if the same historical experience should
be repeated in China, where the CCP has ruled for 63 years."
It is reasonable that “in the coming 10-15 years", “the CCP
will reach the upper-limit of longevity of one-party regimes."

Political critic Wu Fan says that the CCP regime’s
collapse may come true within 10 years.
He forecasts that in the next 3-5 years, the CCP regime
will certainly face a change, which is attributed to six factors.

Wu Fan: “Firstly, successive generations of CCP
leaders have been inferior to their predecessors.
The Communist Party of former Soviet
Union collapsed at its fifth-generation.
Secondly, the CCP has become rotten to core,
domineering and arrogant, and acting like a rogue.
It doesn’t know anything about governance, but knows
how to pocket money, grab power and keep mistresses."

Wu Fan adds that the CCP military are decomposing.
Meanwhile, civil society has seen rebelling forces.

Wu Fan: “Thirdly, civilians have endured for over 60 years.

Today, by means of the internet, radio, TV and other
media, they can get access to some information.
The resistance has been initiated, but hasn’t been organized.

You may just refer to those online mocking and cursing
posts. The fourth is the economic downturn in China."

China’s GDP growth is actually below 6%, Wu Fan says.

The economic stall, plus high prices, creates
an easy situation to trigger social chaos.

Wu Fan: “The fifth factors is that
the environment is getting worse.
This has affected everyone, including rich and
poor, the privileged and the disadvantaged.
There are some other factors
that contribute to CCP’s downfall.
This includes groups such as Falun Gong
practitioners and pro-democracy organizations.
They’re victims of CCP persecution, and have
participated in the disintegration of the CCP."

According to Wu Fan, the sixth factor is the groups
that strongly want to end the tyrannical regime.
If China’s ecological environment deteriorates further,
civilians would start an uprising, he speculates.

Critic Wang Beiji thinks that the demise
of the CCP regime has already begun.
Due to the existence of a massive system of “maintaining
stability", it will take some time before its downfall.

Wang Beiji: “In human history, it is the most cruel
dictatorial regime that has persecuted the people;
in body; in mind; in faith; human civilization; and liberty."

Wang Beiji adds that the CCP’s
destruction of nature is unprecedented.

Wang Beiji: “The CCP’s plundering of
resources is completely destructive.
It destroys ecosystems, species of wild animals and
plants, as well as the human living environment.
Its damage is two-tier, destroying the Chinese people,
and the world’s economic, political and military order.
So its demise has begun already."

Wang Beiji highlights the exposure of the CCP’s
evil by the mainstream international community.
The Chinese people are also awakening,
so the disintegration of the CCP is
evolving into an overwhelming event.
The trend of the CCP regime’s downfall is irreversible.
