【禁聞】王岐山訪美 讓步解政治壓力?















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/王明宇

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan Visits US

Wang Qishan, Vice Premier of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), who is in charge of long-term trade,
has recently arrived in the US with the delegation.

This visit is to attend the US-China Joint
Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT).
On December 19, both sides committed to find a solution
for trade differences between the two countries.
Analysts believe this is a game between the two countries.

It is affirmed that ultimately, the
United States will gain the upper hand.
The CCP might recede to make the US keep silent
on human rights, and relieve the political pressure.

Wang Qishan attended the 23rd JCCT
on December 18 and 19 in Washington DC.
CCP media reports said Wang Qishan led a large delegation,
composed of more than 20 government departments.
This includes foreign affairs, commerce,
science and technology, finance and others.

Wang Qishan’s visit to the United States not only
marks the first time for new CCP leaders to visit after the 18th National People’s Congress.
It also marks the first interaction at high levels,
after Xi took the position of the CCP General Secretary, and Obama was re-elected.

Xie Tian, professor at the School of Business at University
of South Carolina of Aiken highlights that China-US trade disputes have existed for a long time.
In accordance with the plight of the Chinese
economy, it is very difficult to solve this problem.

Prof. Xie Tian: “The biggest differences between Sino-US
trade is on the intellectual property, import and export
of high-tech products, China’s manipulation of the RMB
exchange rate.
These have caused huge trade deficits for the United States.
These are the most fundamental problems related to China.
China is actually gaining export advantages through
these unfair trade means, to boost China’s economy.
Once China abandons these, it will
be a big blow to Chinese economy."

Xie Tian analyzed that Wang Qishan’s negotiation
should be the same as before, bringing a little good
to the Americans, and giving up some things.

That is, making some concessions in exchange
for a softening the attitude of the United States.

Zhang Jian, Chairman of United States Commission
of China Democratic National Committee commented.
Zhang points out that Wang Qishan is not only trying
to improve Sino-US economic and trade relations.
Wang will also ask for directions of political deals
with speculative trade and economic strategies.
Meanwhile, it is a warm-up for
Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States.

Zhang Jian: “After all, Wang is Vice Premier, and Chairman
of Trade, using this identity to come to the United States.
What do Americans care about?
The economic interests of United States.
But it does not mean the US will give back
something once it has obtained economic interests.
I feel it is a game between the two countries. Eventually,
the United States will certainly prevail in economic trades.”

Zhang Jian also analyzes that at last, the CCP
may take advantage of this half-hearted way
to silence the United States in the area of human rights,
such as live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
This is in order to relieve political pressure.

Wang Qishan visited the US as Vice Premier of the State
Council, the Chinese Chairman of the Sino-US Joint
Commission on Commerce and Trade, and also secretary
of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
In the climate of fighting against high-profile corruption,
Chinese netizens care more about escaped corrupt officials.

Netizen Lin Zhibo said that they hope Wang Qishan
can figure out which corrupt officials had deposits and
properties in the US, and sent their wife and children abroad.

Meanwhile, I hope they can talk with
the US on how to extradite them.

The Boxun Network reports that in 2012,
the number of officials above division level
who have fled abroad has hit new records.

The most popular place of choice
to escape to is the US and Canada.
In the report, He Guoqiang, former secretary of the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasized the issues of flight safety and ending corruption.
However, this could not hinder the escape
of corrupt officials with money, wife and mistresses.

Zhang Jian: “Wang Qishan visiting to the United States
is not an ice-breaking trip, but after all,
he is a member of the new leaders, a new regime.

He is the first new CCP leader to enter the US. His coming
implies a secret negotiation in extraditing corrupted officials.”

Zhang Jian also pointed out that in foreign countries,
the CCP did humble deeds in order to whitewash itself.
So Wang’s visit to US will surely see the
Americans benefit and the Chinese lose.
