【禁聞】最新胡潤中國富豪榜 半數財富縮水

【新唐人2012年9月26日訊】最新出爐的胡潤中國百富榜(Hurun Rich List)顯示,中國許多最富裕人士在過去一年裡財富縮水,身家在10億美元以上的中國富人數目7年來首次減少,房地產首次不是產生最多財富的行業。學者指出,中共既得利益集團內的很多富豪,沒能出現在富豪榜的名單上,因為中共黑箱操作,外界無從得知。















採訪/陳漢 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

Newest China Hurun Rich List Indicates Wealth Dropped by Half

The most recently released Hurun Rich List show that in the
past year, the wealth of many rich Chinese has decreased.
It is the first time in seven years that the number of billionaires
went down and real estate is not the most lucrative business.
Scholars point out, due to Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Interest Group’s black box operation,
the names of many super rich did not appear on the list and
are unknown to the outside world.

Annual report published on China’s super rich says 251
Chinese have a net worth of over one billion U.S. Dollars.
This is 20 fewer than last year’s, but still far more than the
number in 2006 when there were only 15 people.

However, in the past year, the wealth of nearly half of
China’s one thousand richest shrank.
The wealth of 37 shrank by over 50%,
their average assets also dropped by 9%.

Professor Xie Tian from the School of Business Administration
at the University Of South Carolina Aiken: “In China, since the real estate bubble started to pop,
the stock market has also been declining continuously.

It is a natural decline for the wealth of these super rich
whose major capital come from real estate and stock.”

Xie Tian believes the Hurun Rich List is consistent with China’s
economic growth, which reflects China’s economic condition.

Hurun Rich List also points out that China’s economic decline
affected the output of manufacturers.
However it is the first time the manufacturing industry
created the highest number of rich Chinese.
More than 20% of the people on the list are in the
manufacturing sector.

He Junjiao, Mainland economic observer points out, a large
economic country needs technically advanced manufacture not be a real estate nation.
Yet real estate development in China is now predatory
to the people’s wealth.
He said that is completely because the government controls
land and banks and does not allow people to freely purchase land and build houses,
causing real estate market mutation
and real estate brokers to get rich quick.

He Junjiao: “Since Deng Xiaoping’s policies of
reform and open to the outside world,
the most wealthy people are either the head of real estate
markets, the head of coal mines, or other contractors.
They all benefited from the result of government’s economic
construction policies.
Is China’s economy good now? Just ask the people and you’ll
know, ask businessmen and you’ll know.”

He Junjiao believes from the manufacturing purchasing
manger’s index and downturn in the stock market, that one can see China’s economy is very bad.

In reality, the productions of many super rich in China have
something to do with the success and failure of CCP officials.

After the truth about high speed rail corruption was
exposed, Ding Shumiao,
whose name was amongst the top on the Hurun Rich List and
Forbes China Philanthropy List, became a prisoner.
This year, with Bo Xilai’s scandal, # two on the list, Dalian Wanda
Group Chairman Wang Jianlin’s future is also impossible to unravel.

Expert economic commentator, Financial Times special
columnist Ye Tan points out,
since 2003, the wealth belonging to China’s super rich
grew at a shocking scale, far surpassing the GDP and CPI, also far surpassing those in the United States.

However, Ye Tan’s article expresses that the number of secret
billionaires in Mainland China far surpasses what the Hurun Rich List tells.
She also says, the birth and decline of China’s
super rich is closely related to political cycles.
It is hard to get out of the vicious cycle of being a political
official and an entrepreneur.
This type of corrupt wealth is doomed to failure. She believes
the way which these riches are produced must change.

Xie Tian: “In reality, there is still a group of people whose
names did not appear on the Hurun Rich List.
These people are the ones, who truly control China’s economy,
and China’s politics, in reality they are people from the CCP Interest Group.
They are actually the real riches. Unfortunately
this number was not reflected on the list.”
