










採訪/陳漢 編輯/唐睿 後製/薛莉

Wen Jiabao: “Think Independently”,
Don’t Give in to the Authorities

In the last three years, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
has mentioned “political reform” many times.
Recently, he suggested in an academic conference
that people should not give in to any authorities,
should “think independently” and have “free spirit”.

Internationally, Wen Jiaobao is thought to be trying rid
the shackles of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
He is looking for a breakthrough
towards Chinese democracy.
Commentators believe that if Wen Jiaobao wants China
to have a real democracy, he must tear down what remains of the CCP’s wreck.

In the afternoon of June 11, Premier Wen Jiabao reported
in the 16th Academic Conference of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences and the 11th Academic Conference
of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
In the conference, Wen Jiabao called for the academics
and staff to have a clear understanding of the gap
in science & technology between the West and China.

He urged “lively, unfettered and a free academic environment,
where people dare to invent and create”.
He emphasized the spirit of “thinking independently”.

Wen’s speech was published in the “People’s Daily”
and other official State media.
Many main websites republished it as well,
and it also attracted international attention.

Wang Beiji, a political commentator, said that the words
of Wen Jiabao’s speech have deep meaning.

Wang Beiji: “I feel Wen Jiabao has started to take actions
this year. He had talked for a while, but hadn’t acted.
Actually, even if he wants to act,
there is a big resistance within the CCP.
This is added to the limitations of himself,
so it needs a process. It’s a good thing.”

In May, Wen Jiaobao visited China University of Geosciences,
his old college, when he went to Hubei for research.
He spoke to the students in the university.

He said that scientists must understand the laws
of nature and truth, and not to give in to any authority.
The university should promote the spirit
of freedom and independence.

Wen Jiabao also spoke in the two sessions in March.
His independent personality was unknown by others.
He said he should persist with the principle “diligence
in his position, to follow justice and have no regrets.”
Wang Beiji hopes Wen Jiabao can take more action
at a faster pace, and with strong determination.

Wang Beiji: “On one hand, we feel that Wen Jiabao
will start to act within the CCP system gradually.
So, his words are relatively positive.

On the other hand, we should be clear that we cannot
have any illusion about the CCP.
No matter if it is self-deception of political reform,
or CCP propaganda to redress 『June 4』.
The CCP doesn’t have the qualification to redress 『June 4』,
and doesn’t qualify in leading China’s reform.“

On June 6, Li Wangyang, a democracy activist from Hunan,
was suddenly found hanged in hospital.
Li’s family strongly questioned the cause of death.

His friends published many live photos
and videos online to reveal their doubts.
On June 9, local police forcibly cremated Li’s body
without his relatives’ agreement.
This grabbed international attention.

People challenged the authorities that they
have “covered their tracks”.
At this time, people from all over the world
condemned the CCP’s evil actions.
They have pledged to track down the truth.

Wang Beiji said the CCP is the root
of social unrest in China.
How evil is the CCP? Wen Jiabao knows the answer clearly.
Wang said if the CCP is a ship, then it has thousands of holes.
It’s leaking everywhere and can’t be repaired.

Wang Beiji hopes Wen Jiabao can destroy the CCP shipwreck,
and build a new ship for China together with Chinese people.
