【禁聞】中共地方黨代會延期 暗藏派系鬥爭




美國「南加州大學」公共政策博士葉科認為,這表明中共內部不同派別之間的權力爭奪,因為十八大是胡溫第一次 對政治局人選有主導權。









採訪/常春 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Local Party Conferences Postponed

On May 31, Beijing has still not released
news about its party conference.
The downfall of Bo Xilai effected Chongqing’s party
conference by delaying it.
Beijing’s has also been unexpectedly rescheduled to June.

Analysts said both cities pushing back their conferences
could relate to changes of city party secretaries.
In addition, their could be an exchange of power
and interests underway.


On May 30, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
mouthpiece People’s Daily Online reported Beijing
would complete party committee transitions in June.
However, the accurate date is not publicized.

This has meant the initial plan of Beijing’s 11th party
conference in May is postponed.

At the end of May, Beijing, Zhejiang, Hubei, Chongqing
and Ningxia Provinces haven’t completed party
committee transitions.

The shock of Bo Xilai’s downfall in Chongqing
hasn’t been settled yet.
Postponing the party conference is to be expected,
but why did Beijing do the same?

Dr Ye Ke expert in Public Policies, University
of South California commented.

This move indicates the different factions infighting.

The 18th Congress is the first time Hu Jintao
and Wen Jiabao can control candidates in the Politburo.

Ye Ke: “Jiang Zemin has controlled Beijing for many years,
it had always been under his control.
For example, Beijing Daily’s recent publication has the
tune against Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

However, this time, for Beijing party secretary, I believe
Hu-Wen certainly want to control the candidate.

Only if they can do so, can they feel safe.

So the power struggle of different factions seems
as though it hasn’t been settled yet.

They haven’t found a solution that will satisfy everyone,
nor can one side completely control the other side,
if so they can choose their own candidates.”

Liu Qi is the current Beijing party secretary.
Liu was born in Nov. 1942, and is almost 70.
According to CCP rules, he must retire this year,
but who will take over his post?

This is the public’s focus.

Wang Beiji, current affairs commentator: “From the view
of the arrangement on local key leadership, Hu has taken
further controls of core provincial and city posts.

Thus, between the Hu-Wen and Jiang’s blood-debt factions
exist the exchanges of interests and intensified infighting.”

Commentator Hong Jian said that Beijing and Chongqing
are always the land fought over by the military.
The delay of these two cities’ party conferences indicate
that infighting between the factions’ is intensified right now.

Hong Jian: “Beijing, in terms of its political and strategic
significance, is the most important place.
If Beijing hasn’t been under control, it means there
is no peace at home. They won’t feel secure for ruling it.
The Beijing party conference has been delayed, indicating
Hu-Wen is planning something but is not completed yet.

It also shows the Bloody-hands faction’s era has past.

Rumors saying that Hu Chunhua would take over
as Beijing party secretary can prove this point.”

Reports said Hu Jintao would lead the 18th Congress.

Based on the rules in the past, major provinces and cities’
party secretaries should be a younger age.
Thus, Hu Chunhua will take over the post of Beijing
party secretary. Zhou Qiang will replace Chongqing’s post.

Ye Ke believes that once Hu-Wen replaces key leadership
in Beijing, Chongqing, and the Political and Legislative
Committee, the blood-debt faction’s era will come to an end.

Ye Ke: “Because the blood-debt faction has committed
much persecution of the Chinese people.
This includes its corruption, as every single person
of the blood-debt faction is very corrupt.
The result would be sentencing and put on trial.
Thus, they would struggle to the last minute.
Before the 18th Congress, I believe there will be
an intensified power struggle.

There also will be an exciting play to watch.”

The CCP’s 18th Congress is approaching.
What will happened? NTD will continue to report.
