【禁聞】深圳公務員上街擦皮鞋 被批作秀
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

Shoe-Shining: A Show of Shenzhen’s Civil Servants

Shenzhen’s civil servants took to the streets to polish shoes
for citizens without charge.
The official relevant departments echoed that the civil servant
volunteers were “experiencing the hardships of labor,” while
the Chinese public saw the activities as the officials’ show
attempting to gain political achievements.
It was a trick by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
by utilizing civil servants to fool the populace, criticism says.

500 civil servants, wearing blue vested uniforms, from 25
state organs subordinate to the CCP Shenzhen Municipal
Committee, launched community service activities
on the High Street on May 15.
The activities covered 20+ services from haircutting, wine
identification, home appliance repair and free photography.
Another service offered was shoe-shining.

Consumers waited there before the shoe-shining stall opened.

Within two hours, the first batch of 12+ tubes of shoe polish
was used up.

Shenzhen resident Li Jincheng commented that such
community service activities are all made for show.

Li Jincheng: “This is their (the CCP’s) new way to fool
the populace using job authority to control civil servants
in an effort to to showcase how well they have learned from
Lei Feng (a fake model-citizen concocted by politicians.)
Look, civil servants can now even do such humble jobs,
polishing shoes for civilians on the streets.
But they all were putting on a deceptive show."

Sun Wenguang, former professor at Shandong University,
describes such shoe-shining as ridiculous.
“Who purchased the blue vests, shoe polishes and shoe
brushes," questioned professor Sun.

Sun Wenguang: “When you really seek help from civil
servants, they often assume great airs.
You can hardly make a face-to-face appointment with them.

Now, they went polishing shoes on streets, seemingly showing
great respect for citizens, but not out of sincerity, in fact."

Professor Sun reflects that in real life, it is ordinary people
who shine shoes for civil servants, who in turn bully them.

Sun Wenguang: “There’re a great many suffering people who
need civil servants to be cared about and looked into.
But they’ve never been able to.

They’d rather take the time to do shoe-shining and some
things really beneficial for the people than make a shoe-shining show on streets.
They could go to visit petitioners, those homeless victims
of enforced demolitions, why don’t they go look after them?"

Sun Wenguang adds that during the working hours on the 15th,
civil servants did not do their own work, but launched street activities.
The purpose was nothing than “an image show and political
achievement gain," professor Sun commented.

Prior to this, many other parts of China have seen similar
This March, the Chongqing Judicial admin initiated a “10,000
civil servants Learn from Lei Feng" activity.
Judicial Bureau Director Lin Yujun walked about 8 km
in 2 hours, collecting half a pocket full of cigarette butts.
Lin was criticized by the public for spending tax-payers’
hard-earned money to make a show.

Li Jincheng points out that compared to the amount of CCP’s
corrupt officials, such a show is so tiny.
Some CCP officials’ publicity stunt can be called perfect.

Cheng Kejie, ex-Vice Chairman of the CCP"s National
Congress Standing Committee, holding a glass filled with
top-rated French wine, said, “I can"t feel at ease when dining,
as we have lot of civilians who have no adequate food and clothing."
Cheng embezzled over 40 million RMB.

Hu Changqing, former Vice Governor of Jiangxi Province,
touted “being impartial and incorruptible" in a high profile manner
During his tenure, whenever going back to his hometown,
Hu Changqing rode an ordinary Santana, and neither smoked nor drank.
He was referred to as an “upright official” by villagers.

However, Hu Changqing took average monthly bribes of RMB
330,000 yuan.
His daily graft equaled five local peasants’annual income.

If he didn’t involved with bribes, Hu Changqing would
have continued to be known for “incorruptible governance."

One cannot wrap a fire with paper; the truth will come out,
says Li Jincheng.
Occasional shows made by the CCP authorities and corrupt
officials might escape being spotted,
but the public will eventually see through their true colors,
Li Jincheng remarks.
