【禁聞】陳光誠去留牽人心 中共承諾無保證






王丹:「 我覺得來美國更好,有兩個理由,第一個理由是他實際上留在中國已經甚麼都不能做了,他有過進大使館的經歷,我想當局也許短期內不會對他過分的報復,但是顯然會把他列入嚴密監視的名單,事實上,他已經不能做任何事了,第二點我覺得民主的理想固然很重要,家人的安全也是必須要考量的。」








採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉


Analysts: Going to U.S. is Chen Guangcheng’s Best Choice

Blind activist Chen Guangcheng entered the U.S Embassy
in Beijing to seek protection, which is causing concern.
On the afternoon of May 2nd, accompanied by U.S.
Ambassador Gary Locke, Chen went for hospital treatment.
But then his case took a dramatic change.

The safety and fate of Chen are of now of paramount
concern to many.

After Chen Guangcheng went to a hospital from the U.S.
Embassy, U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton issued a statement online.
It stated:” Mr. Chen has a number of understandings
with the Chinese government about his future,
including the opportunity to pursue higher education
in a safe environment.
Making these commitments a reality is the next crucial task.

The United States Government and the American people
are committed to remaining engaged with Mr. Chen
and his family in the days, weeks, and years ahead.”

The statement indicates that the U.S. and China have
reached an agreement on Chen Guangcheng’s future.
It’s said that Mr. Chen will study in a university in Tianjin
and his Major is Law.
He will not go back to his hometown where
he was intimidated and persecuted.

The “New York Times” reported that a well-known Chinese
dissident had received protection from the U.S. embassy,
but was then returned to the custody of Chinese government.
No other case like this has happened before.
This includes U.S. human right’s officials and lawyers
questioning whether the Chinese government will protect Mr. Chen as they promised.

Wang Dan, a Tiananmen Square Protest leader said
the best choice for Chen Guangcheng is to go to the U.S.

Wang Dan: “I think it’s better to come to U.S. because of
two reasons: first is he can do nothing in China in the future.
He has entered the U.S. embassy, and I think the government
will put him onto the name list of closely monitored,
even though it won’t take excessive revenge on him.
So, the fact is Chen can’t do anything in the future.
The second is that the ideal of democracy is very important,
but he has to think about the safety of his family members.”

On the evening of May 2nd, Mr. Chen accepted a telephone
interview with the “Associated Press.”
He said that a U.S. official told him that he was under
U.S. protection, but the Chinese authority threatened
to kill his wife unless he leaves the embassy.
He left the embassy based on this information.

However, Victoria Nuland, spokeswoman of the U.S. State
Department commented in an emailed statement.
”At no time did any U.S. official speak to Chen about physical
or legal threats to his wife and children.
Nor did Chinese officials make any such threats to us.”

“U.S. interlocutors did make clear that if Chen elected
to stay in the Embassy, Chinese officials had indicated to us
that his family would be returned to Shandong, and they
would lose their opportunity to negotiate for reunification.”

Mr. Chen said he wanted to leave China and seek asylum
abroad during a telephone interview with UK’s Channel 4.
He said he regrets losing the protection from the U.S.

The U.S. organization “Civil Force” issued a statement
on May 2nd
”We are very worried and doubt whether China will keep
its promise to guarantee the freedom of Chen Guangcheng, as well as the safety of his family.
Whether they will not take revenge on the people who
helped Chen escape, and whether they will punish those who persecuted Chen.

Shi Zangshan, a Washington-based expert on China issues
spoke to NTD.
If Chen Guangcheng has the encourage and wants to stay
in China, and wants to continue to protect people’s rights,
this will help to further the protection of Chinese’s rights.

Currently, the most important thing is the safety of Chen
and his family.

Shi Zangshan: ”Look at China, and we can find that
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has broken
or violated its promises and commitments so many times.

No matter whether it’s a big thing or small thing, the regime
keeps on behaving like a liar and didn’t change.
I think that most of the people who have some idea
about the CCP will not believe this commitment.”

However, Shi Zangshan thought that under monitoring
by global media, global human rights’ organizations and
all governments, the CCP will not dare to do some bad
things to Chen Guangcheng.
So, it’s better for Chen to leave China as soon as possible.
