【禁聞】至少39人被抓 挺薄後臺被世界聚焦



















編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧


Bo Xilai Case Still Evolving, 39 Arrested

Bo Xilai has been removed from position.
But the case is still evolving.
British Daily Telegraph reported that at least 39 people
have been detained for being implicated in Bo’s case.
They are currently being held in the coastal city of Beidaihe.

The Daily Telegraph quoted “independent scholar and public
person” Wang Kang about the detained people in Bo’s case.
They include Xia Zeliang, Chongqing’ Nan’an District
Xu Ming, having close ties with Bo;
and other persons who worked with Bo before.

Wang Kang said: “Most of the detained persons
are from Dalian and elsewhere, but not from Chongqing."

From his arrival in Jin County to his departure as a governor,
Bo had run networks of officials and businesses for 20 years.

Wang Kang is the Chairman of Chongqing’s Peidu Culture
Company, and Vice Chairman of Beijing’s Guanghua Strategy Club.
He has multiple identities of businessmen and scholars.

Quite a few western media said Wang Kang has contacts
with several persons of Bo’s power circle.

Hong Kong’s Asia Week reported that 41-year-old Xu Ming,
Chairman of Dalian Shide Group, went missing a weeks ago.
He is one of the richest persons in China,
and also the one of the most remarkable one.
He was Bo’s treasury,
sponsoring Bo Guagua’s overseas study.

Asia Week also quoted a person who is close to high officials
of Liaoning government, “Bo’s case is far from over.”

Moreover, the Chongqing issues are also gradually surfacing.

On April 19, The Times again quoted Wang Kang’s words.

Over the five years Bo served as CCP secretary of Chongqing,
he had carried out “Red Terror," combating persons with independent thinking and personality.

Wang Kang also claimed that Bo spent at least two hours
every day intervening on the editing work of Chongqing Daily.
There was a special group in Chongqing Daily,
serving Bo specifically.

Bo’s backstage supporters within CCP
have long been in focus around the world.

US reporter Bill Gertz was the first to report the news
of Wang Lijun rushing into the US Consulate.
He quoted two American officials and said that Wang Lijun
handed in materials to the US consulate.
These materials concerned Zhou Yongkang, Bo,
and the hard-liners in the Politburo’ Standing Committee.
It revealed their attempt to topple future President Xi Jinping,
rendering him unable to conduct smooth succession.

Beijing-based independent journalist, Gao Yu,
spoke to Radio Free Asia about the issue.
He believes that from regular case development patterns,
real news was released first from websites and foreign media.
What the CCP central government announced finally
was what it initially called rumors.

The way CCP dealt with Bo’s case was unusual.

It issued files from the CCP central government and required
CCP local leaders in various levels to declare their support;
Furthermore, it demanded the army“to resolutely obey
CCP’ central government, CCP Central Military Commission, and President Hu Jintao’s orders,” etc.

Hong Kong media believe that this makes the high officials
in CCP, government and army all feel deterrence and pressure.
Similar to the incidents of Lin Biao’s defection
and smashing the Gang of Four after Mao’s death.

Radio Free Asia commented that this must be some problems
of the party’s absolute leadership, with instability in the army.
When CCP encounter this situation, the easiest way for them
is to carry out the movement of showing allegiance.”

On April 17, Tang Baiqiao, Chinese pro-democracy activist
in US, disclosed some information from an inner CCP source.
It stated that on March 19th, Zhou Yongkang indeed mobilized
armed police near Beijing on a large scale, surrounding the Xinhua Gate and the Tiananmen.
Hu Jintao urgently mobilized Weixu Troops to Beijing,
and commanded the armed police to withdraw from Beijing.
But armed police were unwilling to withdraw,
with confrontation between the two sides for some time.
Then Weixu Troops “expelled”the armed police
according to the unified code of CCP central government.

It seems that what Bo’s case implicated
is far more than the current detention of 39 persons.
