【禁聞】受薄熙來牽連 至少39人關押北戴河

【新唐人2012年4月19日訊】受薄熙來牽連 至少39人關押北戴河


紐時:名聲不好 美國拒絕王立軍庇護





英國《泰晤士報》4月18號報導說,去年在重慶死亡的英商海伍德和薄熙來的妻子谷開來有「曖昧關係」。 報導宣稱,消息來自「中國和英國消息來源」。 而中國的消息來源是「與多個薄熙來權力圈子內人士有往來」的王康;英國的「消息來源」則來自自稱是谷開來2001年在英國南部伯恩茅斯居住時、同棟公寓樓的「鄰居」。 王康說,谷開來絕對與海伍德有著「超乎友誼的關係」;不願透露姓名的英國鄰居則說,谷開來與海伍德似乎在英國南部波恩茅斯海邊附近的一棟公寓樓內同居。

大連政法委網站被黑 現「打倒中共」

據《阿波羅》網報導,4月18號凌晨,大連市甘井子地區中共政法委網站可能被黑客攻擊,網站的首頁上赫然出現「打倒中國共產黨」和「中國共產黨之墓」的字樣和圖片。網友說,中國地方政法委網站號召「打倒中國共產黨」 。

39 Involved in Bo’s Case Detained

The Daily Telegraph’s Chongqing reporter wrote on its website
that on April 18th, dozens were arrested for their involvement in Bo’s scandal.
Reports said at least 39 are being detained with Bo in Beidaihe
including Xu Ming, Chairman of Success Universe Group and Xia Liangde, Party secretary of Nanan District of Chongqing.
Wang Kang, an informant in Chongqing, told the reporter that
most detainees were arrested from Dalian and other locations.

US Media: Wang was Rejected Asylum Due to Bad Reputation

April 17th, New York Times covered in detail Wang Lijun’s
36 hour stay in the US embassy.
The information was provided by an anonymous assistant
to congressman and diplomats.

Reports claimed Wang was very worried upon his arrival
at the US embassy.
Diplomats debated his asylum request and reported
to the White House immediately.
Considering Wang’s bad reputation would have made it difficult
to secretly transport him outside of China, the White House refused his request.
However, the US protected him from arrest by Bo’s police,
who had congregated outside the consulate, for 36 hours to give him an opportunity to talk to Beijing directly.

New York Times said that when Wang arrived to the consulate,
he brought with him detailed evidence of Bo and his wife’s alleged crimes.
He did not turn the information over to the US consulate,
but he shared about the CCP’s corruption and infighting.

British Businessman Heywood had Affair with Gu Kailai

On April 18th, the Times reported that Heywood, the British
businessman who died in Chongqing, had an affair with Gu Kailai.
The reports cited information provided by Wang Kang,
who had close ties with many in Bo’s inner circle.
Another source is Gu’s condo neighbor from Bournemouth,
Britain in 2001.
Wang Kang said the relationship between the two went
beyond friendship,
while the anonymous neighbor revealed the two lived
in one condo apartment on the Bournemouth seaside.

Aboluowang.com reported that on April 18th, Party’s Politics and
Law Committee in Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, was hacked.
“Down with CCP" and “CCP’s grave" was shown
on the website.
Netizens joked that the local political committee is now
advocating the CCP’s topple.
