【禁聞】遠離中國! 薄瓜瓜 王露露尋保護
















採訪/朱善智 編輯/黃容 後製/孫寧


Bo Guagua and Lulu Wang Sought Foreign Protection

Bo Xilai’s scandal has become the talk of China.
After Wang Lijun fled to the US consulate to seek asylum,
more people who are embroiled in the case have resorted to
seeking help from foreign consulates.
Bo Guagua was reportedly picked up by a US official from
his home in America to be put under “protective custody”.
Hong Kong’s media figured that Bo Guagua may hold more
shocking information than that yielded by Wang Lijun.
Lulu Wang, wife of the British businessman
Neil Heywood, was
reported to have sought help from the British Embassy
in Beijing to escape China.
Several media have speculated that the UK government
could allow Lulu Wang to enter the country if she wished to do so.

After Bo Xilai was stripped of power by the CCP, his wife
Gu Kailai was put under police investigation regarding British businessman Neil Heywood’s murder.
Their son, Bo Guagua, has now stepped
into the world’s limelight.

Bo Guagua was rumored to have returned to China.
Another story has it that he has sought political asylum in the U.S.
UK’s Daily Telegraph reported on April 13 that Bo Guagua
“was slipped out of his luxury flat”, and “was driven away
in a dark SUV by a be suited officer wearing a badge”.

Bo Guagua reportedly became aquainted with
many VIP figures when he studied at Oxford university.
One of them was Lord Powell, who was said a “father figure”
to Bo Guagua.
Lord Powell was former private secretary to Margaret Thatcher,
ex British Prime Minister.
Bo Guagua not only has an extensive political and business
he might also be linked to the British intelligence organs,
according to the UK Daily Telegraph.

If this report is true, Bo Guagua will be probably kept
in the U.S. in the name of “protection".

Lulu Wang, the Chinese-born window of Neil Heywood,
has also recently been offered British consular “protection".

Beijing-based constitutional scholar, Chen Yongmiao, thinks
that the privileged echelon inside the CCP system, by rights,
should have more of a sense of security than that felt by
ordinary people.

Chen Yongmiao: “It is said that the people fear a recurrence
of the Cultural Revolution.
But the Cultural Revolution didn’t arise from the people,
It actually came from within the CCP.
Like Wang Lijun, a privileged member of the CCP system.

He was aware that any time he might be assassinated or
be the subject of an abnormal death.
From this, you can tell that under such a system,
there has no guaranteed protection to Chinese citizens."

Zhang Zanning, professor of Law at Southeast University,
says that in an authoritarian state without the rule of law,
individual rights and benefits are left unprotected.

Zhang Zanning says that: “This case proves that reform
must be carried out in China.
If the road to democracy is not taken
and if the rule of law is not adopted,
nobody’s individual rights and benefits can
be protected.
This may even turn out to include the rights and benefits
of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao."

Hu Jun, chief of the organization Human Rights Campaign in China,
comments that in the past, the rulers trampled human rights,
but now they will have to resort to recognition of human rights
to save themselves.

Hu Jun says: “This is a typically absurd example of
the dictatorship.
Bo Xilai claimed the need for holding a trial in public,
but that was when he persecuted others.
We just don’t know what was in his mind at that time.”

Hu Jun adds that this is a tragedy brought about by the
nature of the CCP system itself.
The same situation occurred in the era of Liu Shaoqi.

Liu belittled the Constitution during his reign,
but when he got hurt later on, he soon realized the importance of the Constitution.

Hu Jun says: “When these men lost their power,
they were able to understand more clearly how valuable and important human rights are,
and how crucially important judicial independence and
impartiality are. Today everything is unfolding before us.
Now it is Bo Xilai, the next one to fall will be Zhou Yongkang.
All these are guilty men. Their evil doings finally caught up with them.
This is the dictatorship system. In which every one inside
of it will eventually be a sacrificial victim, no one is safe."

No matter who shall be in power in the future, Hu Jun hopes
for a returning of the power to the people in the hope of restoring constitutional democracy in China.
