馬曉明:「(中共)官員政府掠奪人民的房地產,倒買土地,派人強行拆老百姓的房子,毆打老百姓,打死、打傷、打殘老百姓, 兇犯和幕後指使者逍遙法外的,沒有人可以把他們怎麼樣的, 中國老百姓被官員,被這個統治集團害的無法生存,冤假錯案遍地,這樣的事情太多太多了。」
馬曉明:「 對於薄熙來,谷開來這樣的要員,能夠做出這樣的事我並不感到驚訝和懷疑,在我們中國,那個掌握巨大權力人,它可以不受法律的制約,它可以為所慾為,法律是為它們服務的,法律就是它們的工具。」
採訪編輯/李韻 後製/蕭宇
Heywood killing “over adultery and money laundering”
Bo Xilai has stepped down fromthe Wang Lijun event. This
CCP scandal has brought continual shock to many in China.
Now CCP is tracing the source of news on Wang Lijun
through the Internet.
One reporter had decidedly revealed the relation between
Heywood’s death and Gu Kailai (Bo’ s wife) first of all.
Through microblogging and borrowing a friends computer,
he sent his message public.
Yet now his friend is being detained and investigated
by the police.
A seperate media also revealed,
how Heywood was poisoned to death by Bo’ s direct order.
Bo had wanted to cover up the “adultery" issue between
Heywood and Gu, along with the issues of money laundering.
Zhu Chaoxin, a “Southern Weekend” reporter,
the first to have mentioned the relationship between
British businessman Heywood and Gu.
The reporter sent another microblog message on Apr.14,
saying it was him who had first mentioned Heywood’s name.
His friend then became subject to harassment.
However, it was proven Heywood murder
was not just a rumor after all.
If there is anyone to be put in prison by CCP,
it should be Bo.
The friend with the computer, as mentioned by Zhu Chaoxin,
is Wang Sijing a female reporter.
On Apr. 13, Wang was taken by 3 policemen for investigation.
Yet the police did not issue any warrant for Wang’s detainment.
Wang mentioned, the investigation was for “her friend
who sent the microblog message from her home”.
Hu Jun, the initiator of “rights movement” organizations
pointed out,
this is the silencer tactics, as used by CCP when
dealing with ordinary people. Intimidation being their tool.
Hu Jun:” Gossip is flying everywhere amongst ordinary
people, then CCP announces, all gossips are rumors.
However, the so-called rumor proved to be the truth.
Whenever CCP classes truth as rumor, it is disproven.
Now constantly, CCP is lying about such issues.
They really should realise, this is the end of Bo Xilai.
On the night of Apr. 10th, CCP official media reported that
Gu and one bodyguard of Bo’s family were arrested.
They are prime suspects of Heywoods murder, which was
committed back in November of last year in Chongqing.
After that many mainstream websites reported the
Heywood case had not yet been confirmed.
Overseas media however, reported of the corruption and
brutality issues within Bo’s family.
Ma Xiaoming, former reporter of Shannxi TV said:
”What is the point?
Chinese people are not satisfied with this and
they are eager to know the real truth.
However, mainland media are not independent”.
Sources said to Mingjingnews.com, Bo ordered
his bodyguard Zhang Xiaojun personally: kill Heywood, with Gu being an accomplice.
British newspaper Daily Mail reported, Gu had
“extramarital affairs” with Heywood.
Besides this, Heywood helped Gu to make money,
laundering overseas of up to 8 billon RMB.
With Bo personally ordering to kill Heywood with Cyanide.
A government official from Chongqing has admitted that
Bo asked him to prepare cyanide,thus handing it over to Zhang Xiaojun.
Ma Xiaoming, former reporter of Shannxi TV pointed out,
in China, Bo could not be the only person involved in Heywoods death.
Ma Xiaoming:”CCP plunder people’s real estate,
sell the land, demolish people’s houses forcibly, and even kill or cripple the people.
It appears the perpetrators and their bosses are outside
the law, and no one can touch or punish them.
Ordinary people generally have no life, with constant
miscarriages of justice being committed.”
Ma Xiaoming believes, with the in-depth investigation of
the Heywood case, there will be more CCP officials’ shady dealings being exposed one by one.
Ma Xiaoming: ”I am not surprised by what Bo and Gu
did as they are important people.
In China, people in position and power are outside
any constraints of law.
They can do anything they please, with the law serving them.”
After the CCP re-investigated Heywood’s death, vistors
who went to see Wang Lulu, wife of Heywood, were excluded by policy to remain for any length of time.
Sources reported, police have banned her from
speaking with any foreign reporters.
Wang Lulu finally went to the British Embassy in Beijing
to seek help on Apr. 12th.
She was hoping to escape from China, as she was worried
the same fate of her husband, may be awaiting her and her children.