【禁聞】薄熙來失腳 中共權鬥分崩










由薄熙來落馬引發的這次中共內鬥之烈,牽連之廣,局面之複雜,前所未有。薄熙來被罷職後,坊間已經兩次傳言他被雙規。大陸知名記者楊海鵬透露,鐵幕後角鬥仍在激烈進行,至少 50個以上關聯圈子彼此纏鬥,包括所有已退休或未退休的中共大老,有關內幕令人「心驚膽顫,冷汗淋漓」。


Bo Xilai’s Fall From Grace; CCP Factions Infighting

Based on the news from Hong Kong media, a severe
divergence of views amongst the CCP Standing Committee regarding Bo Xilai occurred.
The conflicts among different interest groups are entangled.

The intensity of the fighting, the broad involvement,
and the complicated situation are all unprecedented.
Xi Jinping has finally made his decision to support Hu and Wen
and has criticized Bo Xilai through official CCP media.

On March 21st, Apple Daily in Hongkong referred to
the words of Wu Guancong,
who is the Director of Operations of
“Xin An Sports Development Company.”
There is divergence of views amongst CCP Standing Committee
members regarding Bo Xilai.
The tit-for-tat between Wen Jiabao and Zhou Yongkang,
the conflicts between different CCP factions,
and the intensity and broad involvement of the fighting
are all unprecedented.
In the end, Xi Jinping decided to support Hu and Wen’s
decision regarding Bo Xilai.

Hu Jintao’s faction is becoming more and more powerful.
Jiang’s and princeling’s are losing control of the political situation.
On March 20, “Sankei Shimbun” from Japan said that Xi Jinping
Is one of these princelings.
The advancement of Hu’s faction might change the delicate
relationship between Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, as Li is considered as the successor of Wen Jiabao.

Apple Daily also cited the “External Reference" magazine,
that Beijing princelings are downward because of supporting Bo, their opinion differences caused them fragmented.

Xi Jinping has been attempting to keep a low profile.

When Bo Xilai promoted singing red songs and cracked down
on gangsters, he meant to gain public support and thus threaten the Central Committee of CCP.
Gao, a former reporter at Chinese News Agency, thinks that
Bo Xilai had planned to seize power from Xi Jinping by using economic development of Chongqing as a tool.

Gao Yu: “I always think about why Bo engaged in this
『Chongqing model.』
Now it’s clear that Chongqing model is only a tool to fight
for political power.
There is no such thing as the so-called fighting
on different 『political routes』. In fact, all fights are about fighting for political power.”

On March 26th, CCP’s official journal entitled Seek the Truth,
published Xi Jinping’s speech at the Central Party School.
In his speech Xi said,”When one devotes himself to currying
favor by claptrap and craving personal fame and gain, he will disappoint people and thus lose their trust.”

Chen Pokong, writer and political commentator,
thinks that Zhou Yongkang is a danger toward
Hu and Wen since he is in charge of public security,
national security and the judicial system of China.

Chen Pokong: “Whether Hu and Wen will fight back or not
will depend on Zhou Yongkang.
Now Zhou is in charge of public security, national security,
police, and plainclothes special agents.
The budget he holds for 『maintaining stability in China』
is even more than the military budget.
If Zhou fights back, it will be very dangerous to Hu,
Wen, Xi, Li and He.
In order to block Zhou Yongkang from fighting back,
Hu and Wen need to strike first to gain the initiative.”

The conflicts caused by Bo’s issue between different CCP
factions are so fierce, the involvement is so broad,
and the situation is so complicated; nothing like this has
happened before.
Yang Haipeng, a well-know reporter in China, disclosed that
the fighting between different factions is still ongoing.
The conflicts among at least 50 interest groups are entangled,
including some retired authorities. The inside stories are astonishing.
