【禁聞】記者問薄18大命途 恐沒戲了






張偉國:「 他今天這番話,這番表演,以後如果王立軍這個案子他能夠過去了,也就是薄熙來能頂過這個關,這個案子過去了以後他還能繼續生存?那麼可以講他這番話是最後一搏。如果王立軍這個案子真相大白了,他這一關過不了了,他今天這番表演,他就變成了垂死的掙扎。」



蘭述:「 薄熙來個人的前途,這個就要看中共各派力量的之間怎麼樣妥協和怎麼樣安排了。中共傳統上處理有問題的官員的時候,他都是黑箱作業。」


張偉國:「 他現在就要拉胡錦濤這個大旗做虎皮。他要講的話正好跟他字面上的意思相反,這句話如果是胡錦濤本人說,或者是胡錦濤的黨語胡派人馬、團派人馬,胡錦濤的那些親信,他們出來講,薄熙來在重慶就是按照胡錦濤07年的意見做得,那這個話也許還能忽悠人,繼續可以欺騙人。」


採訪/周玉林 編輯/唐睿 後製/郭敬

Bo Xilai Struggles to Survive

After missing the meeting on March 8th, Bo Xilai attended
the Chongqing Group meeting on March 9th.
During the meeting, Bo claimed the reason for his absence
was due to a “health issue” as opposed to the rumor of “resignation.”
Regarding Wang Lijun, Bo expressed sadness due to the fact
that he hadn’t selected the right person, and that he will continue “Singing Red Songs, Eliminating Black Deeds”.
In addition, Bo said he hasn’t connected himself
with the 18th National congress.
Commentators and media suspect Bo has no chance of
entering the 18th National Congress, and he is now struggling to survive.

In Total, 31 delegations delegate 31 provinces,
municipalities and autonomous regions.
Until March 8th, 27 of 31 were interviewed by reporters
and organized press conferences.
Chongqing was one of the 4 that didn’t participate.

In the early morning of March 9th, on short notice, the
Chongqing group sent out a press release stating that
it would organize a press conference at 9am which
would be open to both domestic and foreign media.
Bo Xilai, who was absent from the congress meeting
on the 8th, attended the press conference.
Bo said he didn’t expect Wang Lijun to flee, and he
expressed sadness about choosing the wrong person.

Zhang Weiguo, chief editor of Hong Kong “Trends” magazine:
“Of course, Wang Lijun is the major sacrifice of the incident.
But the most directly affected is Bo Xilai.

Wang Lijun’s event is the biggest hurdle of Bo Xilai’s political
career, it’s the most difficult and dangerous hurdle.”

During the press conference, Bo said that the central govern-
ment is not investigating him due to the Wang Lijun event.

Zhang Weiguo: “His words or his performance today may be
his last bet for survival after the Wang Lijun incident.
And his performance will be his last-ditch struggle
if the truth of Wang Lijun’s case spreads worldwide.”

Zhang Weiguo said, now it’s a stalemate because the whole
event is still in progress, and all parties are deadlocked.
But obviously, all parties have laid their cards on the table
and are trying to strike a deal.

Lan Shu, a political commentator, said that allegedly,
Wang Lijun gave several documents to the U.S. consulate,
and many foreign media, as well as Chinese media are
focused on this case.
All of Chongqing’s actions are being monitored by the world.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can’t shield it even if it wants to.

Lan Shu, a commentator from “Sound of Hope” Radio:
“Bo Xilai’s career is up to the compromise of CCP’s factions, which are against each other.
Traditionally, when CCP is dealing with an official who they
deam problematic, they do it under the table.”

A reporter asked why Hu Jintao didn’t go when other
central leaders visited Chongqing during the conference.
Bo Xilai said Hu Jintao attaches great importance to
Chongqing, and arranged a major deployment in 2007.
The Chongqing which is under Bo’s leadership really follows
Hu’s command.
Bo believes that Hu Jintao will go to Chongqing in the future.

Zhang Weiguo: “Now, Bo Xilai wants to hide behind
Hu Jintao’s name. He will say the opposite of the truth.
If Hu Jintao or the members of Hu’s faction said it,
if Hu’s cronies said Bo Xilai governed Chongqing as what Hu Jintao ordered,
then the words can continue to cheat the people.”

Zhang Weiguo suspects the person Bo Xilai fears most
is Hu Jintao, which is the reason why he used Hu’s name to defend himself in front of the media.
