【禁聞】香港特首貪腐醜聞 學者:中共腐蝕













蔡詠梅說,中國跟香港還不一樣,中國的司法完全不獨立, 中國沒有言論自由,沒有新聞自由。因為中共是一個極權政治,權力都在黨的手中。


Corruption Scandal of Hong Kong Chief Executive

Hong Kong Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, is facing hints of
criminal investigation and possible impeachment.
Tsang was implicated in the corruption scandal.

Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption
(ICAC) has initiated an investigation into Donald Tsang.
For the first time in the last 28 years, the territory’s top leader
was placed under ICAC investigation.
The local public said Tsang’s political sensitivity is not acute,
who did not steer clear of suspicion on receiving hospitality.
Hong Kong’s leader is elected by limited voters, observers
and the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s corrupt culture
gives rise to such scandals.

Hong Kong media outlets exposed impropriety of Donald Tsang,
the territory’s Chief Executive.
Reports said Tsang enjoyed luxurious treatment, including trips
on yachts and private jets, as well as accepting luxury suites.
Tsang was suspected of accepting favors from the rich.

Earlier on, several political parties were reportedly to file
complaints against Donald Tsang to the ICAC.
Several informants recently received notifications that
an inquiry into Donald Tsang was under way.

On 28th Feb, Paul Tse, a Hong Kong legislative council member,
said the legislative council decided to impeach Donald Tsang.
The decision was based on common law, according to Tse.

Tsai Yung-Mei, executive editor of Hong Kong’s Open magazine
believes in the positive role that the legislative council plays.
Hong Kong’s judiciary is independent, Tsai says, the news
media is still relatively free though infiltrated by the CCP.

Tsai Yung-Mei: “Was it impacted by the reunification in 1997?
It was, by the government.
But basically its judiciary is independent.
Secondly, Hong Kong still has freedom of the press.
After the1997 reunification with China, this freedom has
been eroded heavily and fallen.
Major Hong Kong media outlets have seen
increasing penetration from mainland China.
But the freedom of the press still essentially remains.

So, a lot of inside stories can be unearthed once they were
published in newspapers or exposed by news media."

The luxury penthouse leased by Donald Tsang was
located in Donghai Garden in Shenzhen.
Occupying about 10,000 square feet, the suite’s market value
is RMB 50 million, the rent is estimated to be RMB 150,000 per month.
The property owner is Wong Cho-bau,
a real estate developer in Shenzhen.
Wong is the member of the CCP Political Consultative Conference,
a major shareholder of Digital Broadcasting Corp. in Hong Kong.

According to the current data, a person with insider knowledge
of ICAC’s operations pinpointed the key points to the case—
Is the Shenzhen penthouse leased by Donald Tsang related
to the broadcast licenses that were issued by the government?
If Tsang accepted favors from the same businessman,
the civil servant may face prosecution by the ICAC.
The charge shall be “Misconduct in public office",
under the provision of common law.

Corruption appears in Hong Kong. It is the outcome of
erosion by the CCP’s corrupt culture, says Tsai Yung-Mei.

Tsai Yung-Mei: “The UK left Hong Kong an excellent heritage,
of which we Hong Kong people also felt proud.
But now, we’ve seen it eroded, by the CCP officialdom.

Since his (Chief Executive) power doesn’t come from
Hong Kong, but from Beijing.
He can win the seat as long as Beijing nods.

So there’s no way for the checks and balances on power,
it naturally gives rise to corruption."

Tsang’s intricate relationship with the business elite triggered
more public outcry.
The figure of an “anti Mr Donald Tsang” facebook group
continues to ascend.
Tsang was condemned as “Hong Kong’s top corrupt official".

Qin Yongmin (Democracy activist, China),
“Hong Kong has a high degree of civil liberties.
So it』s not hard for people to perceive and disclose scandals
of the incumbent chief executive.
The mainland Chinese people are in much hope of having
rights to investigate, watchdog and depose the head of state."

Tsai Yung-Mei adds that China is distinct from Hong Kong.

In China, the judiciary is completely non-independent,
without freedom of speech, nor freedom of the press.
The CCP is a totalitarian politics, says Tsai Yung-Mei,
with all the power concentrated in the hands of the CCP.

NTD reporters Lin Xiuyi, Tang Rui and Zhu Di
