【禁聞】葛洵北京探親 遭國安秘密刑訊





















US Citizen Ge Xun Kidnapped and Interrogated in Beijing

Ge Xun, a Chairman of the US Independent Federation of
Chinese Students and Scholars, is a senior car maintenance engineer.
He went back to Beijing in January for his mother’s funeral.
He also planned to visit “Tiananmen Mother”, Ding Zilin.

However, on his way to Ding’s home, he was kidnapped by
National Security agents.
He was held in a secret place for 21 hours.

Ge Xun was brutally beaten and forcefully interrogated,
he was later deported back to the US.

On Feb.2, Ge Xun returned to San Francisco, with a bunch of
flowers in his hands, he had planned to present to Ding Zilin.

Ge Xun, “Later I knew, I couldn’t see teacher Ding, so
these flowers can be my spiritual memento.
I want to commemorate the victims who were killed
on June 4, 1989 in Tiananmen massacre.
I also missed 『Tiananmen Mothers’ a group that has
suffered much and is vulnerable.”

Ge Xun has told NTD of his experiences of being kidnapped.

Ge Xun, “One man challenged me saying what I could do
about his violence, then a taller man came and, bang, gave me a punch.
Then he twisted my arms very hard. They then beat me.

Two men started from different directions, one was in front of me,
one was at my side, they started beating me together.”

During Ge Xun’s illegal detention, plain-clothes personnel
interrogated him.
Thugs wanted Ge Xun to tell them his twitter account details,
his username and password.

Ge Xun, “They forced me to disclose my twitter password.

However I thought that after they had beaten me,
they should let me go.

I still wanted to visit teacher Ding. If that day I could
have gone, I would have or would have tried the next day.

Because it was midnight.

I still wanted to see teacher Ding the next day.
At that time, thugs had not told me I couldn’t go.

Ge Xun was escorted to the airport, state personnel tried
to take his laptop, in full public view,
they brutally beat him again.

Ge Xun, “Bang, they kicked me, I fell on the floor.

Their actions were not very noticeable,
but they were beating me hard.
Just like mafia thugs.

From this experience, Ge Xun learnt how the state security
Apparatus collects its information.

Ge Xun , “During my detention, they used every method
of deception and trickery.

They said I could go immediately, and promised.
However, they didn’t let me go.

Their purpose was to get the information they wanted.”

Besides taking Ge Xun’s personal data, state security
personnel also forced him to sign a “guarantee statement”.

Ge Xun, “The statement is written: I won’t visit any
『sensitive’ person. I said I couldn’t guarantee this.
How do I know who is ‘sensitive’, and who is not?

State security personnel also forced Ge Xun to
sign a “declaration”.
The declaration classified the whole kidnapping process
as a “state secret”.

Ge Xun, “In the declaration it said that, according to Chinese
Law and the State Secrets Act, all our conversation, including
from day one when they kidnapped me until the last moment,
everything comes under ‘state secrets’.

Ge Xun said, he denounced the “guarantee statement” and
“declaration” which were signed under torture.
Ge plans to publicize his experience of
being kidnapped and beaten.
Exposing the CCP’s evil behaviour toward a US citizen.

Ge Xun, “The CCP has illegally detained and deported me.
However, I didn’t make any mistakes or commit any crime.
I told them my flight date was on Feb.4, I didn’t want to
leave early, as I still had something to do.

They said there were some things you couldn’t change.

I knew I couldn’t meet teacher Ding anymore.
I asked why I couldn’t see teacher Ding,
they said that some could see her, some couldn’t.

They said I couldn’t see her.
I questioned why I couldn’t see her, they said I knew why.

Did I know? How could I know why?

Ge Xun, “You see, what kind of law does China have?
The behaviour of those agents is unacceptable.

They restricted the freedom of a citizen, and said I
knew the reason why. I don’t know at all.

If I had known, I wouldn’t have made such a plan,
would I?”

Ge Xun, “They said they were only carrying out
a superior’s orders .
I asked, who is your superior? I want to see him.
The man said, you want to see Hu Jintao, it’s not up to you.

I asked him what has Hu Jintao said?”

Ge Xun shows the email address that state personnel gave.

The personnel told him, if he plans going to Beijing next time,
it would be better to contact them first.

NTD reporters Yi Wen and Han Yi
