【禁聞】入常已絕望 官媒開始敲打薄熙來



13號,中共喉舌《人民日報》 發表題為《真與假折射地方官員對黨是否忠誠》的社論。社論聲稱,當前,在一些地方和單位,說假話、辦假事、造假數字、搞假政績的現象不少。不珍惜在任機會實現「為官一任,造福一方」,而一門心思想著官如何越做越大,反映了一些幹部面對權力私慾膨脹:不真情關心群眾冷暖憂樂,而一門心思試圖引起「上頭注意」。












Career Rise Desperation as, Bo Xilai is Hit by CCP Media

Wang Lijun has uncovered the tip of officialdom’s darkness in
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the world.
As the officially touted anti-vice “hero”, Wang is deemed the
right-hand man of Bo Xilai, the CCP Secretary of Chongqing.
An editorial of the People’s Daily, the CCP’s mouthpiece, accused
regional officials of rampant fabrication in pursuing career promotion.
Some comment that the editorial is a warning to Bo Xilai that
his political career has ended.

The incident of Wang Lijun’s defection has sparked
speculation from observers in China and abroad.
They are reasoning that the affair will impact the chances for
Bo Xilai’s joining the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee.

On Feb. 13, the CCP’s official media, the People’s Daily,
issued an editorial,
— “Truth and Falsehood Refract Local Official’s loyalty to
the CCP”.
The editorial alleges that rampant fabrications are
currently occurring in local authorities’ departments.
These include lies, fake works, falsification of figures and
fraudulent political achievements.
The article accused some officials of obsessing over
personal promotion, yet ignoring the well being of citizens.

Commentator Heng He comments that the CCP is trying
to limit the infighting scandal to within the system itself.
It uses it’s media as a voice of public opinion
to stop Bo Xilai’s inclusion in this year’s 18th congress.
The act aims at creating resistance for Bo to quit,
so as to keep the real evil within the CCP, says Heng He.
For ages, the CCP’s censorship on the internet, news, and
various areas of propaganda have helped it conceal its darkness.
Once the infighting is exposed,
the CCP’s evil will be revealed to the public.

Heng He: “The CCP system is a perverse selection in itself.
Only evil persons and liars can get promotion.
The crimes of Bo Xilai or Wang Lijun won’t be exposed in the
same way as the large-scale criticism that was initiated in Mao’s era.
If they are, all the buried secrets and the true nature of the
CCP will be exposed to the whole world."

The signs indicate that Bo’s red-culture and anti-vice campaign,
or his fall-out with Wang have been for gaining political bargaining chips.
Bo is tipped to join the CCP Politburo Standing Committee
at the upcoming 18th congress in October.
However, this has brought more political risk to Bo himself.

Media professional Zhang Weiguo says that Bo Xilai’s
actions have all violated the CCP’s internal game rules.
Bo’s politburo membership was gained through his father’s
horse- trading.
Zhang thinks that Bo’s office-holding in Chongqing was
in fact a disguised exile issued by Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
Yet all of Bo’s “endeavors” that he made after taking office,
broke the CCP’s factional balance and subverted its selection mode.
Thus, if no political coup happens, all the CCP’s factions,
including the CCP’s princelings, will no longer tolerate Bo.

Zhang Weiguo says: “His tactics are like an ideological weapon
and are derived from Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution.
He wants to use these to lay his own social base, and then
to turn it into his own political capital.
This is unacceptable within the existing system of the CCP.
Therefore Bo’s fall is bound to come about, sooner or later."

Hong Kong’s media has received confirmation from the
CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission.
Nine Politburo Standing Committee members have reached
a consensus decision of case-filing and investigation on Bo Xilai.
The task force embraces Li Yuanchao, He Guoqiang and
Zhou Yongkang.
8 Politburo standing members have shown clear firmness,
the remaining one has nodded reluctantly.
The reluctant member reportedly has bulky economic interests
in Chongqing and Sichuan.
Sources have said that Bo’s issue has become a political “pie",
and that many people want to take advantage of it for personal gain.

However, Zhang Weiguo analyzes that there is still a glimmer
of hope and perhaps leverage for Bo to fight back.

Zhang Weiguo says: “Let the people vote. Just put it into practice
in Chongqing for all the civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
In this case, bargain with Zhongnanhai.
If Bo could take this step, he might still have a chance."

Zhang Weiguo points out that Bo Xilai will not wait for death.
If Bo manages to get leverage, then the CCP will be over.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Song Feng and Sun Ning
