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manager, Liu Zhigui.

Liu Zhigui once owned a wedding photography studio in
China, but now lives in Osaka, Japan.
“In China, now is the best season for wedding photography.
However, I can’t run my business any more there.”
Why did he choose to live abroad?
What is the painful experience he has been through?


Liu Zhigui managed a studio in Harbin, with a good living
standard and happy family.
Now living in Japan, and after 40 years striving for a living,
he asked himself the genuine value of life.

Liu Zhigui began practicing Falun Gong in May 1997,
with it’s principles of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance.
He firmly believed in this peaceful cultivation way, which
brought him dramatic health improvements.
In June 2000, his family was brought great joy with the birth
of a son.

Over 100 Million people in over 50 countries practice
Falun Gong, a traditional self-cultivation discipline.

As the number of people in China practicing Falun Gong
grew, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader
Jiang Zemin became worried about his power, and began
persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th 1999.

On Feb 11, 2001, Liu Zhigui went to Beijing to appeal,
but was informed Falun Gong petitions are not accepted.
He then went to Tiananmen square to peacefully protest,
shouting “Falun Dafa is good”.
Immediately, over ten plainclothes police dragged him
into a police van and severely beat him.

He was taken back to his hometown in Fangzheng County.

Liu was transferred to several Detention Centers in Fangzheng
On Feb 19, 2004, he was taken to the notorious Hulan prison,
where he was illegally detained for 3 years.

Liu: “Falun Gong practitioners in Fangzheng County were
forced to sign confessions under severe torture.
Some were beaten until they were blind, disfigured, or even
tortured to death.”

Liu witnessed first-hand this brutal persecution.

Liu: “Sun Shaomin, a practitioner, was forced to lick up spit
from the prison head, trying different methods to torture him.
They once forced him to stand for 7 days and nights
without sleep.”

Liu: “They asked if I practice Falun Dafa? I said yes. An evil
policeman, Wang Bin, began beating my chest and face.”

The police torture of Falun Gong practitioners was very cruel,
such as tying them to a bench.
They would stab their arms, back, legs, fingers and toes with
needles, and flick their their eyes.

Liu Zhigui’s younger sister Liu Zhiying said that the CCP’s
persecution has caused her family great suffering.

Liu Zhiying: “It has effected our entire family, as my brother
is the main support. Our parents are old and his child is young.
Since my brother was illegally detained, our father has had
several heart attacks, and been in hospital.
My brother is a very good man, and has done nothing wrong,
following the principles of Truth, Compassion, Forbearance.”

Despite persecution, Liu Zhigui never changed lost his faith.
Finally, he began to hunger strike to stand for human rights.

Liu: “When I was in a coma, prison head Wang Bin said that
I was better to die. When I woke up, they continued torturing.”

Liu Zhigui escaped abroad, with his family reunited.

Often, bad weather makes Liu feel down, and he reflects on his
unforgettable experiences.

Liu: “Today, I tell people my experiences to clarify the truth
about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Please help us to stop it right now.”

Liu firmly believes that more and more Chinese people will
realize the evil nature of the CCP.
Chinese people should no longer cooperate with the CCP
and therefore need to quit the CCP.
