【禁聞】「被精神病」濫施 系統迫害法輪功













李彬99年於東北財經大學碩士研究生畢業。加州《北郡時報(North County Times)》報導說,「李彬因自己的信仰被關押。電棍、燒焦的皮膚、折磨、慘叫……」






Falun Gong Still Persecuted Psychiatrically?

Recently, the Chinese National People’s Congress
discussed a draft of the Mental Health Act.
It states, patients enter or leave mental institutions voluntarily;
those who put non-psychiatric people to hospitals will be liable.
However, experts believe this draft act won’t stop
the “man-made psychiatric patients” phenomenon.
For more than ten years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is using psychiatric hospitals to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, which has been condemned internationally.

In June, the CCP State Council Legislative Affairs Office
published “Mental Health Law" draft to seek feedback from all levels of society.
However, even after this, Falun Gong practitioners
were frequently abducted and tortured at mental hospitals.
This includes Hunan practitioners Liu Heqing, Huang Duohong,
Anhui practitioner Liu Hefang, Hubei practitioner Shi Song, five practitioners from Shangdong and many more.
Some of the practitioners were even persecuted to death
exactly at psychiatric hospitals.

On July 5 of this year, Guo Min, an employee at Hubei Xishui
County Branch of the Internal Revenue Service, died at the age of 38 after being persecuted for 11 years at a mental hospital.

Guo Min benefited physically and mentally
from practicing Falun Gong.
In 2000, at Hangzhou train station she was found to have
Falun Gong books and was directly taken to Huanggang City Kangtai mental hospital.
In 2002 she was transferred to Xishui County Red Cross
mental hospital.
Long periods of injections with drugs that damage
the central nervous system eventually killed her.

Xinjiang Aksu City Taxation Bureau staff, Xie Zhiying, was taken
forcefully to Alar City mental hospital for practicing Falun Gong.
She was tied up, hit with electric batons
and injected with unknown substances.
After leaving the hospital,
Xie Zhiying went to Beijing to petition.

In 2001, Xie was illegally sent to labor camp for three years,
then sent to a mental hospital.
Due to the inhuman torture, she lost the ability to speak and
was locked up by Office 610 in her own home for seven years.
Office 610 did not allow family members to visit her.
She died on August 6 of this year, at the age of 48.

Practitioner Lidong Qing from Shenyang City, Liaoning,
went to Beijing to petition after Jiang Zemin started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.
She was taken to the notorious Masanjia labor camp for three
years, and later illegally sentenced for five years in prison.
Lidong Qing was subjected to various forms of torture.

After Lidong Qing returned home in 2008, the police forced
her family members to put her into Shenyang mental hospital.
She was injected with unknown medicine, her entire body was
black, and she passed away earlier this year at the age of 49.

“The United Nations Human Rights Report on The Persecution
of Falun Gong" recorded the story of practitioner Hanji Zhen.
She was from Nanjing and went to Beijing in 1999
to petition for ending the persecution of Falun Gong.
She was beaten by the police and then thrown
into Nanjing Mental Hospital.
Her son Wang Yongsheng, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was
a PhD student at University of Houston』 Physics Department.
He immediately went back to Nanjing to rescue his mother.

Wang Yongsheng: “After taking my mom home for New Year,
the police came again the next day.
They said you have to write a guarantee to no longer practice
Falun Gong, or we will put you back in the mental hospital.
My mother replied, ‘How can I guarantee this? I benefited
physically and mentally after practicing Falun Gong.
The benefits are great, why would I stop such a great exercise?’
So the police forcefully put my mom in mental hospital again."

Falun Gong practitioner Li Bin now lives in Los Angeles.
She was detained and taken to labor camp three times.
One of the times, she was taken to mental hospital, injected
with unknown drugs and hit with electric baton on the head.
The torture made her temporally lose her memory
and almost killed her.

Li Bin: “Four-five men tied me to a bed, gave me injections
with unknown drugs and I fainted right afterward.
Then I went on hunger strike, so they gave me more injections
and electrocuted me. I felt I was losing memory bit by bit."

Li Bin graduated in 1999 from Northeastern China University
with Master’s degree in Finance.
California』s “North County Times" article wrote, “Li Bin was
detained because of her faith. Electrocuted, burned skin, tortured, screaming…”

Li Bin: “My friends and family all thought I was very bright,
such a kind girl persecuted like this.
Then we arrived in the United States and went to each city
council to clarify the truth [about Falun Gong』s persecution].
They listened to our experience of being persecuted
and cried."

During the 13th United Nations Human Rights Council in 2010,
Falun Gong Human Rights presented a report.
It was titled “CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
through drugs."
The report was handed in to the Independent Human Rights
Commissioner and each nation』s UN delegate received a copy.

The report includes data of 1,088 healthy Falun Gong
practitioners being persecuted with unknown substances.
It lists more than 200 mental hospitals where such persecution
took place, with at least 18 people being tortured to death.

According to minghui.org report, thousands of Falun Gong
practitioners were forced into mental hospitals, injected with drugs damaging to the central nervous system.
Falun Gong Human Rights warns those carrying out this evil
to stop immediately and not walk CCP』s path of destruction.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu
