【禁聞】中共再詆譭法輪功 借迫害轉嫁危機



















CCP Slanders Falun Dafa Practitioners to Shift Focus

The Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) mouthpiece
XinhuaNet.com published articles again on September 3
to slander against Falun Dafa practitioners. In fact, around
August, several practitioners were persecuted to death.
NTD interviewed several Falun Dafa practitioners.
They pointed out that the CCP fabricates facts to discredit
Falun Dafa, and make excuses for its persecution.
The CCP is attempting to cover up the truth and shift
people』s attention away from the intensifying social conflicts.

XinhuaNet.com』s article on September 3 mentioned
Shi Xiaoyan, a “practitioner” in Northeastern China,
who met a “real disciple” asking her for donation.
Shi Xiaoyan had breast cancer.

She claims to have found a Falun Dafa practitioner
for treatment using supernormal capabilities,
and took the treatment provided by that practitioner,
according to the article.
Former Tsinghua University Associate Professor Xu Yin says
that Falun Dafa practitioners know this is fabricated.
There is no such concept as “real disciple" in Falun Dafa.
The CCP has been claiming Falun Dafa practitioners don’t
take medicine, and now this story is contradictory.

Be Yin (Falun Dafa practitioner): I』ve practiced Falun Dafa
for 16 years now. I know the behavior of this group.
We do the exercises, study the Fa, cultivate the mind,
and try to be good people.
Falun Dafa practitioners are not allowed to raise funds.
Moreover, Falun Dafa practitioners
are not allowed to cure illnesses for others.”

Xu Yan was an Associate Professor at the faculty of
Civil Engineering at Tsinghua University for 13 years.
He was well received by lecturers and students.
Shortly after practicing Falun Dafa in 1995,
illnesses that tortured him for many years, such as insomnia,
cholecystitis and Ménière’s disease were all gone.
In 2006, Xu Yan was illegally sentenced to 2-year labor camp
re-education for having a copy of Zhuan Falun at home.
He was inhumanly tortured mentally and physically
in the notorious Beijing Tuanhe Labor camp.
After he was released,
his family struggled to leave China and came to the U.S.
Xu Yan pointed out that the slander by XinhuaNet.com
is to find an excuse for more severe persecution.
Xu Yan (Falun Dafa practitioner): “It wants to provoke
hatred towards Falun Dafa practitioners,
and shift people』s discontent and grievances
toward the CCP to Falun Dafa practitioners.”
According to Minghui.org』s incomplete statistics,
3443 Falun Dafa practitioners were confirmed
to be persecuted to death for not giving up their practice.

Ci Hai, employee of Qiqihaer Railway House of Heilongjiang
Province, was sent to labor camp re-education
for two years in 2000, and was kidnapped again in 2006.
He was sentenced to four years and was tortured severely.
Ci was whipped and beaten over his entire body.
He was once hung up for 15 hours straight.
Ci Hai died on August 23, 2011, at the age of 39.

Former Hubei Electric Power Construction Corporation
accountant, Yu Yimin, was kidnapped 5 times
for refusing to give up practicing Falun Dafa.
He was sent to brainwashing classes three times,
and one year labor camp re-education.
He was brutally tortured and was injected with unknown
medicine that damaged his nerve system.
He died on August 5, 2011, at the age of 49.

Other Falun Dafa practitioners were also tortured to death
around the period of August 2011:
teacher Zhang Shuling of Suihua Farmland,
Helingjiang Province,
Xie Zhiying at Property Tax Bureau of Akesu,
Xinjiang Region,
retired worker Huang Tao of Yuxi City in Yunnan,
Cui Peiying of Beijing Miyun County,
Fengqi of Changfeng County, Hefei City, Anhui Province,
Zhou Yun of Pingjiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,
Ding Zhenfang of Dalian City, Liaoning Province,
are among many who were killed for practicing Falun Dafa.
Under this situation, XinhuaNet.com published articles
to slander against Falun Dafa practitioners.
Falun Dafa Association spokesman Zhang Erping pointed out
that this is similar to the fake self-immolation case
and the 1,400 deaths fabricated by the CCP
to strengthen the persecution and cover up the truth.
Zhang Erping (Falun Dafa Association Spokesman): “CCP』s
fabrications are no different from what it did in past 60 years,
such as its lies during the Great Leap Forward,
the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Massacre, SARS,
and the recent poisonous formula,
and the high-speed train accident.”

Former Guangzhou Military Region Lieutenant commander,
Staff Officer Liang Tingting, was kidnapped twice.
She was locked in a brainwashing class for over 500 days,
subjected to a variety of mental and physical tortures,
including neck hanging, binding, force feeding,
and routine beatings. Her weight dropped to 30 kilograms.
Liang Tingting: “I was in critical condition twice, as a result
of the torture. The hospital gave up and let me come home.
In both cases, the hospital thought
my entire immune system was ruined.
After I came back I recovered
through doing Falun Dafa exercises.”
Liang Tingting pointed out that Falun Dafa practitioners
adhere to “truth, benevolence and forbearance,"
the basic universal values ​​of mankind. CCP does not
want people to tell the truth or be good people.
CCP is destroying the morality of the Chinese society,
and turning the Chinese nation
into a nation without morality,
leading it toward the danger of extinction.

NTD reporters Lin Li, Li Yuanhan and Xue Li
