【禁聞】鐵道部負債破兩萬億 恐成壞賬








《華爾街日報》中文版報導,渣打銀行(Standard Chartered)經濟學家王志浩(Stephen Green)認為,動車事故引發了人們對鐵道部管理方式的質疑,可能要過很長一段時間鐵道部才能重新回到債市,他懷疑鐵道部的業務是否能產生足夠多的自由現金流,以償還借款利息。









Two Trillion in Bad Loans?

The latest Railways Ministry’s financial report stated that

the Ministry is over two trillion yuan (US$310 billion),
in debt by the middle of 2011.
The July 23 high-speed-train crash exposed not only safety
issues in the Ministry, but also its financial position.
With a massive debt and their inability to repay it,
the Railways Ministry is prone to incur bad loans,
which affects all the Chinese citizens.

The Railways Ministry Financial and Business Data Report
for the First Half of 2011 was published
on the website of the Shanghai Clearing House.

It was written by
the Finance Department of the Railways Ministry.
It suggests that China’s railways were over two trillion yuan
(US$310 billion) in debt by the middle of 2011,
a debt rate of about 58.53%.

It also stated that the gross revenue of the Railways Ministry,
in H1 2011, is 352.55 billion yuan (US$54.79 billion)
with a profit of 4.29 billion yuan (US$667 million).

China’s Caixin Net quoted an investment analyst Barrons
that the Railways Ministry’s revenue in H1 2011
included the levied Railways Construction Fund,
which he thinks is at least 30 billion yuan (US$4.66 billion).
If it is deducted from the total revenue, the Ministry’s
loss would be at least 25 billion (US$3.89 billion) in H1.

On July 23, a few hours after the high-speed train crash,
authorities ordered the search and rescue efforts to end.
Instead, they put the emphasis on getting the trains back
in operation, which only infuriated the public.

Dr. Xie Tian, from the University of South Carolina’s
Aiken School of Business, told NTD that
such behavior shows that the Railways Ministry
is very worried about its poor financial position.

Xie Tian: “It is a sign that the Railways Ministry is in a hurry
to repay its debt.
With such a concern, the Ministry was driven to pursue
financial profits while ignoring people’s safety and lives.”

The Railways Ministry has been rushing into railway projects,
mainly since the 2008 financial crisis.
As the authorities heavily invested in the railway construction,
the Ministry’s liabilities soared.
The corruption within the Ministry is shocking,

with ex-engineer, Zhang Shuguang, alone
embezzling 2.8 billion yuan (US$435 million).

The Standard Chartered economist, Stephen Green,
said in the Chinese version of Wall Street Journal,
that the high-speed train crash focused public attention
on the management of the Railways Ministry.
He thought it could take a long time before the railways
returns to the bond market.
He doubts if the Railways Ministry
has enough free cash flow to pay its debt interest.

Dr. Xie Tian also said that due to the recent train crash,
the authorities ordered the train’s speed to be slowed down.
This only spurs on stiffer competition
among the railways, airlines and highways.
People are more concerned now about the
safety of Chinese railways, than ever before.”

Xie Tian: “The crash not only produced a negative impact
on the Railways Ministry, but also brought to light
issues related to investments and debt repayment.

Barrons suggests that the Railways Ministry has to pay at least
250 billion yuan (US$38.84), inclusive of the interest in 2011.
With the estimated cash flow of about 200 billion yuan,
(US$31 billion), the Ministry lost 50 billion yuan this year.

Stephen Green and other analysts say that the Finance Ministry
could intervene by injecting capital into the Railways Ministry.

Xie Tian: “People are concerned about whether the Ministry
can repay its debt in full.
If not, the debt turns into bad loans,
which in turn falls on the shoulders of the National Treasury,
and ultimately onto the Chinese people.

Chinese economic critic, Wu Zhifeng, said in a blog article
“How Can the Railways Ministry Repay Its Two Trillion Debt?”
the Railways Ministry’s debt, two years ago,
was 130 million yuan (US$20.2 million) and climbing,
due to the number of railway projects that were carried out.
It is hard to imagine how they can deal with this huge debt.

He said, “The one who pays in the end, could be all of us.”

NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Qian and Wang Mingyu
