【禁聞】動車案家屬連珠放炮 溫家寶無言




















Speechless Wen Jiabao

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities haven’t
given a clear explanation to the victims’ families since
Wenzhou’s high-speed train collision took place on July 23.

CCP’s Premier Wen Jiabao’s recent “closed-door dialogue"
with a group of victims’ families was posted online.
Bombarded by the families’ questions,
Wen remained speechless.

As the victim’s families still suffer from their sudden loss,
they have not received a satisfactory answer from the CCP.

On July 28, Wen met with a group of victims’ families
in Wenzhou’s Jinqiu Guohao Hotel.
The Central People’s Radio posted a partial dialogue recording
between Wen and the families on its website,
revealing the families’ complaints and accusations.

An elderly man who lost his son, daughter-in-law and
grandson denounced the premature stop of the rescue.

Elderly man: “I think it is a matter of rescue time.
The authorities stopped the rescue too early.
Cleaning up the site to restore the traffic,
the authorities’ mind was not set on saving people."

A strong woman who lost her husband said,
she was telling himself to remain calm when the news arrived.
However, she could no longer restrain herself
with the authority’s actions.

Lady: “Terrible, it’s entirely different than what I imagined."
Wen Jiabao: “I understand, I understand."
Lady: “His skull was smashed. His body was covered
in blood and has not been cleaned up till today.
No one informed us his death.
We have been searching online.
Why can’t we ask for a proof of identity?
If this matter cannot be resolved, why talk about others. "

The compensation arrangement by the authorities has also
led to strong resentment among the families.

Lady: “When the authorities talked to us for the first time,
the compensation was RMB 170,000.
We want their lives back, but not the money.

Then yesterday the authorities talked to us
about raising the compensation to RMB 500,000.
This is not a negotiation to buy cabbage.
What are they doing? I don’t think I am irrational."

Another woman’s husband died in the accident,
leaving her with a one-year-old child.

Lady: “What the Ministry of Railways did was not proper.
My husband’s watch went missing.
I asked him what happened.
He said it was passed to the Public Security Bureau.
I don’t think that I can get it back.
My husband is gone, but I want to keep a souvenir of his.

Bombarded by questions, Wen Jiabao acknowledged
that the families’ complaints were reasonable.

Wen: “Because money cannot buy people’s lives.
The victims’ families are rational, by saying that
they want their family members instead of the money.
We should say, we are speechless."

Wen also responded with three points.
He admitted that the Ministry of Railways didn’t rescue people
with all-out effort, and claimed to condemn responsible people.
He also promised to make a reasonable compensation.

Dr. Li Tianxiao, current issues commentator:
“This is difficult with CCP’s principle of hiding the truth.
He may find some internal serious issues to be used
against his political opponents,
but he won’t released the information to the public.

He would only release the materials that won’t
jeopardize the CCP’s rule, to pacify the public."

However, some media noticed that Wen appeared in
Wenzhou six days after the accident.
Wen explained that he was confined to bed for 11 days,
so that he could not come.
But netizens searched online and found that
Wen frequently met with foreign guests in these 11 days.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Ge Lei.
