【禁聞】用億元選舉 撬動集權體制的曹天















Billionaire Candidate’s Oppression

Chinese writer and real estate developer,
Cao Tian recently announced his intention
to run for office as a mayor of Zhengzhou City,
with RMB100,000,000. He is another independent
candidate for China’s county-level deputy elections
of People’s Congress. But independent candidates
are often oppressed and their campaigns are ruined.
Independent candidates in China
carry on battles invisible to other democracies.

Cao Tian also promised that if successfully elected,
he will punish corrupted officials, and nobody
will be assaulted by the city management thugs.
Cao wanted to use the election legislation to shift
the current rigid system of cadre nomination.

All cities and counties have started their elections.
Unlike previous elections, this year has emerged
a group of independent candidates, such as,
well-known media professional Wuyue Sanren,
and Associate Professor Wu Danhong
of Chinese University of Political Science.

China’s first independent candidate, Yao Lifa said
that there are 2 ways for candidates’ nomination
in Zhengzhou, with the first being recommendation
by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
municipal committee organization department.

Yao Lifa, ex-deputy of People’s Congress:
“CCP’s organization department will absolutely not
nominate Cao as a candidate for mayoral election.
Their candidate is very likely appointed by CCP’s
Henan Provincial Committee, which then orders
Zhengzhou organization department to nominate.”

The other way is recommendation by 10 deputies.
This was proven infeasible by Yao’s experiences.

Yao: “The joint recommendation by 10 deputies
is absolutely impossible. I have run to be a deputy
in Hubei Province People’s Congress,
and I have also received deputy recommendations.
The CCP quickly cancelled my recommendations.”

Among independent candidates in 2011’s elections,
some have been suppressed in a variety of ways.
The first independent candidate, Liu Ping,
was condemned by Xinyu Municipal government
as “attempting to subvert the CCP’s regime."
On May 11, her home was surrounded by police.

Liu Ping: “On May 11, I sent messages out for help.
Our electricity was then cut off.
In the morning of May 12, I was arrested.
On May 13, they ransacked my home.
They fear that I represent the people.”

Current issues commentator Wu Fan believes
the emergence of many independent candidates
is a trend of Chinese political reformation.

Wu Fan: “People across China want changes.
Plus the overall change, there is localized change
through elections. CCP does not welcome either.
So, it is assessing which one is less harmful to it.
In this way, CCP can retain more power.”

Yao talked from his own personal experiences.
The cause of these candidates being suppressed
is the CCP’s totalitarian system.

Yao: “A true democracy requires real elections,
while China’s current system is a dictatorship.
This pseudo-democratic authoritarian system
does not allow the growth of a true democracy.
So, it is not difficult to understand that
independent candidates are being persecuted.”

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Li Anan
