周一早上,川普连发一系列推文,揭露监听川普选战顾问佩吉(Carter Page)的授权申请存在舞弊行为。
So we now find out that it was indeed the unverified and Fake Dirty Dossier, that was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC, that was knowingly & falsely submitted to FISA and which was responsible for starting the totally conflicted and discredited Mueller Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
“It was classified to cover up misconduct by the FBI and the Justice Department in misleading the Court by using this Dossier in a dishonest way to gain a warrant to target the Trump Team. This is a Clinton Campaign document. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
….and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account. Source #1 was the major source. Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it. Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team. Not about Carter Page..was all about getting Trump…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
在接下来的一篇推文中,川普援引美国独立监督政府机构“司法观察”(Judicial Watch)主席费顿(Tom Fitton)的话指出:“佩吉不是间谍、不是俄罗斯的代理人——他本来会与FBI合作的。这是设计来瞄准川普的舞弊和骗局。”
…..”Carter Page wasn’t a spy, wasn’t an agent of the Russians – he would have cooperated with the FBI. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump.” Tom Fitton @JudicialWatch A disgrace to America. They should drop the discredited Mueller Witch Hunt now!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
美国保守派分析人士认为,该文件一方面被大部分遮盖,一方面被严重篡改,这证实,众议院情报委员会主席努内斯(Devin Nunes)此前在备忘录中所得出的结论是正确的,即申请监听佩吉的主要依据是前英国间谍斯蒂尔(Christopher Steele)所编篡的黑川普档案,而该档案是在希拉里选战和民主党全国委员会(DNC)的资助下完成的。