



Two days ago, a human rights activist said that
“maintaining stability" has become a rip-off industry in China.
The national security guards would only threaten activists
for the sake of overtime payment.
People who renounced the Chinese Communist Part indicated
that joining the Communist Youth League has also become
a rip-off industry.

Other than collecting the application fee, it does nothing.

Wan Ling from Shenzhen wrote:
I joined the Young Pioneers as a second grader in 1990.
I don’t remember if there was an oath,
but the teacher did charge us for a red scarf, 1.5 yuan.
I was deceived into joining the Communist Youth League
in Junior High.
I paid the fee twice but never visited the office of the CYL.
I had no idea where it was and I did not take the vow either.
They would only inform me when it was time to pay the fee,
but then I refused to pay anymore.
I am here today to solemnly declare:
Quit the CCP and its organizations!

Pseudonym “Popcorn" from China stated:
I joined the Communist Youth League and took the oath
on Dec. 31, 1999 under the organizational arrangements.

For years, I have only paid the fee but participated in none
of its activities.
I can think independently now and be a sound person with ideals.

In this statement, I declare that I no longer have anything to do
with the party or the syndicalism.
I will never be a slave of the Communist system.
