【禁闻】党媒宣称停用死囚器官 口径频换















采访/朱智善 编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷

Chinese Media: Ban Organs From Executed Prisoners.

Organ transplant donors have always
been a sensitive issue in China.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda media
claimed China would ban using organs from executed
prisoners and only accept voluntary donors starting from
Jan. 1, 2015.
The CCP has been accused of harvesting organs
from living Falun Gong practitioners.
The ban of using organs from prisoners on death row
has been criticized as a cover up.

On Jan. 28, People’s Daily said that the ban of organs from
executed prisoners will not cause a shortage of donors.
It claimed that starting on Jan. 1, all 169 organ transplant
facilities will stop using organs from prisoners on death
row but use only voluntary donor organs.

People”s Daily cited Huang Jiefu, head of the national organ
transplant committee, admitting that volunteer organ donors
have been relative low in China, and death row prisoners
have been the main source of organ transplants.
He also acknowledged the opaque procurement conducted
by local judiciary systems and transplant facilities.

However, the CCP has denied the use of death row prisoners”
organs on multiple occasions in the past.
Between 2001 and 2006, several officials such as Foreign
Ministry spokespersons Zhang Qiyue, Qin Gang, and Health
Ministry spokesman Mao Qun’an, have openly stated that
harvesting organs from executed prisoners is simply a lie.
They claim that voluntary donors are the main source
of organs in China”s organ transplant process.

In Nov. 2006, the CCP finally admitted that the majority
of organs were taken from executed prisoners.
It shocked the world, but it is also questioned
why the CCP suddenly changed its tone.

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun
Gong (WOIPFG) spokesman Dr. Wang Zhiyuan” “Living
Falun Gong practitioners have become the main source
of organs in recent years, not the executed prisoners.
The executed prisoners are used as an excuse for the CCP to
deny the accusation of its crimes exposed in 2006 about the
live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners."

In March 2006, a Chinese surgeon”s wife testified to the
systematic organ harvesting from living Falun Gong
practitioners through overseas Chinese media, Epoch Times.

The subsequent independent research effort that WOIPFG
has collected and published massive and shocking evidence.

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan: “Our data has confirmed that since 1999,
the explosive growth of organ sources in China has mainly
come from Falun Gong practitioners.

Just recently, we have also obtained new evidence from
former PLA Health Department director Bai Shuzhong.
He acknowledged that Jiang Zemin personally ordered the
use of Falun Gong practitioners as the sources of organs."

Since the CCP admitted using organs from executed prisoners,
China has been criticized for being the only country that
systematically harvests organs from death row prisoners.

Meanwhile, the evidence that the CCP profited through live
organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners has also
caused increasing concerns across the world.

What is the intention to ban the use of executed prisoners
as donors when its donor sources are questioned?

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan:, “I believe it has two purposes.

One is to ease the blame of inhumane conduct against
the prisoners on death row.
The other is to cover up its crime in forcibly live organ
harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners."

Commentator Lan Su, “Its main purpose is to cover up its
main evil acts by admitting its secondary crime, the use of
death row prisoners."

Lan Su indicates that as inhumane as it is to procure organs
from death row prisoners, it is not a crime against humanity.
But, forcible organ harvest from prisoners of conscience
and Falun Gong practitioners is a crime against humanity.
The different nature of the crimes has the CCP take the blame
and admit the use of death row prisoners as the main organ
donors along with opaque procurement procedures.

But the problem now is that if “voluntary" donations will
meet the huge demand for organ transplants in China.
We will have to see.

Interview/ Zhu Zhishan Edit/ Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ GeLei
