大陆的Ien Clark说:对中共邪恶本质深恶痛绝,近代历史证明,这个组织不为人民谋福利,却以各种政治借口奴役人民,残害,欺压,用谎言、暴力,抹黑之术登峰造极。
Jan. 28, Wednesday
Quit CCP Announcements
When Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing reorganized his assets
and registered his company in England,
it caused concern about the risk to the economic
and political situation in China.
Even ordinary mainland businessmen felt the threat.
They might not restructure their assets and invest in the UK
like Li, but they chose a different way out.
Chen Yuanbo wrote:
I am a businessman in China. I am used to the CCP’s greed.
I know deeply how this society has been destroyed
by the evil party.
Everyone is filled with the desire to fulfill their own needs
at all cost.
I know the CCP’s days are numbered.
Therefore, I decided to renounce the CCP,
the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers.
I choose a safe and healthy future.
Ien Clark from China stated:
I abhor the evil nature of the CCP.
Contemporary history has proved that this organization
cares nothing for the welfare of the people, but enslaves, hurts,
and oppresses the people on all kinds of political excuses.
Their lies, violence and humiliation have reached the max.
I wish for the light of universal values to shine upon
the great land of China.